Friday 28 February 2014


REFERENCE: Ephesians 5:6 (NIV)

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.

The bible was written for believers but thank God even the non-believers in circumstances beyond their ability to handle, benefit from the written word.

Let no one deceive you with empty words such as the theory of evolution which is still a theory although our kids at school are not told so. Now that DNA has proved that the theory is false, not many have acknowledged the fact as it is. The fact that no crossover has ever happened is not taught. Donkeys have continued to reproduce donkeys because their DNA is different from that of the horse although they look almost the same. Those who have tried to crossbreed the two have been disappointed. The result of the crossbreed is a different animal called mule which is not able to reproduce itself or anything else.

Science has done a lot of good things that have added value to humankind and nature in general. The human intellect which is a faculty of the soul has done all these scientific discoveries but should not be used to advance other theories and agenda whether political or faith. Man was designed by a master-designer and that is God. God has a special place in our lives and when we replace Him, our lives become empty.

The bible is the only book in the entire world that states with authority about where we have come from, what we are doing here, and where we are going. And for this reason, spiritual need is basic to mankind. Even atheists at one time in life, ask or ponder the question: what after this life?

Atheists, like all human beings, were created in the image of God. The spirit in them, although not alive to God and they cannot see it, longs to go back to God where it originated, hence the above question.


 Holy Spirit! Please continue to teach me every day and to enable me to share the same.

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