Thursday 27 February 2014


REFERENCE: Galatians 6:7-8(NIV)

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

COMMENT: We are related to God whether we like it or not. He made us by putting his life in us. We are part of God and there is no way we can do away with Him. Our problem is that we have  free-will  given by God Himself. It is within the soul and even animals have it. God did not plan to make us puppets. He made sons and daughters who are able to make their own free decisions and choices: to follow Him or the other way.

God put His life in us and cannot kill Himself. He cannot commit suicide as humans do and that is the reason why He forbids shedding of blood. God’s life lasts forever and so is ours. It is our bodies made from the dust of the earth that die when the spirit is removed and it goes back to God where it originated.

In view of the permanent connection to God, He has the right to state that He cannot be mocked and that one reaps what he sows. It does not matter who we are.
The existence of God cannot be denied or be wished away as advocates of evolution theory would love to see. Let us not abuse the free-will God has given to us. Let us use it to honour Him by choice.

God is not saying to us, let us make a deal. He is clearly saying, this is the deal. He has absolute right over us and we have to account to Him because we are His products. A product cannot say no, to the manufacturer.

We shall reap what we are sowing.  If it is oranges we reap oranges and if it is wheat we shall get wheat. Please refer to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and note, that if we get involved in sinning we shall reap eternal separation from God and that is suffering in hell as the bible affirms. Do not listen to those saying hell does not exist. Follow the bible not people!!!

Thank God Almighty, because of His mercy. He is ready to forgive, if only we are willing to ask for forgiveness. The bible says we have all sinned.

PRAYER: Thanks to God, for the precious blood of Jesus Christ, which washes all our sins.

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