Thursday 20 February 2014


  REFERENCE: Ecclesiastes 12:7

……………..and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to the God who gave it.


This is what death is and the above scripture explains in detail and only in a few words what death has been and will continue to be.  Death occurs when the body (bio) stops to function even if the heart my continue to beat when connected to a machine. The spirit does not stop to function but it departs and goes back to God.

Time (rapture) is coming when the body (Bio) that came from the ground will be revived and changed completely so that it won’t die again. The spirit will be reunited to the body and a new life (Zoe) will begin to exist and live with the Lord  Jesus Christ forever and ever. Those who have rejected Jesus Christ will be separated from him forever unfortunately.


 Thank you God Almighty because your Spirit has taught me about death and resurrection.                                               

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