Saturday 22 February 2014



 Acts 7:59 (NIV)

While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus receive my spirit”.


Stephen understood very well the condition of a human being. He knew beyond any doubt that his spirit was separating from his body. The spirit which his killers could not see was leaving the body and was on the way to God where it had come from ( Refer to creation of man Genesis 2:7). He knew the body would last only for a short time because they were stoning him.

 The guys killing Stephen could not touch the spirit because it was in a spiritual dimension (realm) they could not see or even understand what was taking place.
Stephen knew and could see where he was headed and so he announced that he was seeing heaven open and that Jesus was standing on the right hand of God. He was being ushered into heaven. He had lost nothing and having mercy on his killers, he prayed that they be forgiven because they did not know what they were doing i.e. they were mentally sick.


Heavenly Father! Bring me to the spiritual level of Stephen.

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