Wednesday 26 February 2014


REFERENCE: 1 Corinthians 15:33(NIV)

Do not be mislead: “Band company corrupts good character”

COMMENT: The human being is a social and learning creature. People are not lone rangers. They live in groups such as family, tribe, village, city and of cause country. The human baby is born helpless and takes years to learn to take care of themselves. They have to imitate nearly everything including walking on two legs.

Adults continue to learn and their behavior is controlled by the environment. The company they keep, if it does not mislead and corrupt them may produce a good person who is loving and taking care of others. The Christian culture molded by the biblical teachings will result to good character.

Bad culture will mislead and corrupt good character.

When God created humankind, he commanded them (Adam and Eve) to sustain themselves by re-producing themselves. God is organized: He did not create two Adams and expect them to sustain themselves. God provided all that was needed for keeping them alive continuing to reproduce. Satan who is God’s enemy hates God’s creation and would kill all of them if it was possible. He introduces interventions from time to time especially when he senses that God is about to do a great thing in the world. When he knew Moses was to be born, he incited the Pharaoh (king of Egypt) to kill all Jewish male babies. See Exodus 1:15-16. When Jesus was born in Israel about 2000 years ago the evil one incited King Herod and he killed baby boys around Jerusalem. See Matthew 2:16-18.

Satan has repeatedly done such things several times in history. Look at all the wars that have been fought and note the huge numbers of those who have been killed. Remember the holocaust during the Second World War in Europe where six million Jews were killed by people who hated them. The Second World War almost wiped away Europeans. History records that the Red Indians in both North and South America were around 100 million when settlers from Europe arrived. That is more than they are today and so killings must have taken place. The same thing happened in Australia where   the Aborigines have been reduced drastically and pushed to the poor areas.

In Africa south of the Sahara, HIVAIDS is carefully and consistently reducing the            population. Conventional medicine (vaccinations) and GM foods are under suspicion that they are working against population growth.

Finally, gay lifestyle which is getting protection from Europe and America is meant to control population especially in Africa. Since when did two bulls produce a calf? Animals know better!! This publicity of gay lifestyle is totally misleading and corrupting good character. YOU NOW KNOW THE REASON WHY THE GAY LIFESTYLE HAS RECEIVED SUCH PUBLICITY.

PRAYER: Lord God Almighty, have mercy on us through Jesus Christ.        

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