Thursday 13 February 2014


Reference:  Matthew 28:20 (NIV)
……………………and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.

Nearly everything we know, we have been taught by somebody. Apart from a few activities which we do not learn but follow the instinct such as sucking (breast feeding) and crying, nearly everything else is learnt. Human being children according to God’s design must learn hence needing care for a long time unlike animals. Where learning is needed, then a teacher is required. The best teacher we have had is our mother who has taught us a language and how to think in it.

Obedience is a requirement by our maker (GOD) on our part and must be taught. The teaching manual is the bible. It is the mind of the maker on how the people are to operate. The manufacturer of any product will always write a manual giving detail on how to operate the item. Sometimes chooses to dictate the manual to the product  e.g.  a computer manufacturer uses the same machine to type and store the manual.
Now that the end of the age is approaching, all our activities must be guided by the word of God.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! I am your student and must from you. Instruct me.

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