Tuesday 18 February 2014


 But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty that gives him understanding.  Job 32:8(NIV)

According to Genesis 2:7, the Lord God formed man from the dust and breathed life (Zoe) into the body and it gained life (Zoe). The breath of God plus the dust of the earth, there emerged a living soul (psyche). The body that came from the earth became physical flesh (bio) because it originated from the soil. It became flesh, bones and blood. In total a biological being.

Without the three elements coming together there would be no human being. Death is the result of these three separating and finally we have only two elements  remaining and these are the spirit(Zoe) and the body(bio).The spirit goes back to God and the body of cause returns to the dust.

SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY, can be compared to powder, water and ink. If you need to make ink, you need powder and water.  Mix the powder with water and you already have ink. If you separate water from powder, ink will disappear just as the soul disappears when body and spirit separate at death. The spirit which cannot die resides with God waiting to reunite with the body which will be revived and renewed.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! This is not an easy subject to understand. Simplify it to me and my esteemed readers.

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