Saturday 1 March 2014


REFERENCE: 2 Thessalonians 2:3(NIV)

Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.


The day of the Lord i.e. the coming again by Jesus Christ, is a big issue among the Christian believers. It will change the whole world and so every living creature will be affected. A lot of prophesies mentioned in the bible, are being fulfilled today as an indicator that time is running out. The final prophesy that will usher in the second coming of the Lord Jesus, is the appearance of the Anti-Christ. He will be an exceptional international diplomat able to broker peace all over the world, and his name means one who opposes Christ, and at the same time pretends to be Christ himself. This dangerous man, who is likely to be followed by the whole world because of the need for peace everywhere, will be in great demand all over the world  especially, in the Middle East, China, Russia, New York and even  South Sudan and the CAR. Deception will be utilized to the maximum, and many unsuspecting innocent people, will receive him and may  even worship him.

Be not deceived! Everything has to be checked whether it agrees with the bible. The person making the interpretation must not be biased. It must not be a Liberal Theologian who questions everything in the bible, and leans towards the theory of evolution.  Liberal Theology is becoming the in-thing today and is taught nearly every college of theology. They insist that the bible is not inspired by God, and therefore has errors, although they continue to use it in their work.  Imagine a medical doctor who does not believe in the reference book he uses in his work. No patient would want to see such a doctor.

In pursuing this liberal theology which is a product of hell, the Vatican has recently authoritatively stated in the press that hell is not real.  Some people have responded by asking, who knows better: The Vatican or the Lord Jesus, who taught about Lazarus the poor beggar in heaven and the rich man in hell. Please note that, the bible has hundreds of references of hell and heaven.

During Paul’s time, word was going around that the day of the Lord had already come.  Paul wrote to refute the false claim and said Jesus will not come until the Anti-Christ arrives first, and does his evil work of deception. Prophets of doom have come and taught that the Lord Jesus was returning on a particular day only to be proved wrong, when nothing unusual happened. Unfortunately, people continue to follow such prophets of doom.


PRAYER: Holy Spirit! These are dangerous times and therefore, we need your direction always.  

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