Monday 24 February 2014


REFERENCE: Matthew 24: 4

Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.”


 The answer to the question asked by the disciples was not about deception but the Lord Jesus chose to teach them about what He knew they needed most. They needed to learn about deception just as much as we need today.

 Deception is the order of the day these final days on the earth. Neighbours will deceive you for various reasons and likewise the politicians will also lie to you so that you can give them your votes. These are just simple deceptions which you are likely to discover before long. There are others you are likely never to uncover and you are likely to take the wrong direction or action.

 To push an agenda to unsuspecting public, some “faceless people” will package a lie and deliver it as truth. Do not look beyond advertising. Most of ads are motivated by profit and what they would like you to believe is not necessarily the truth.

Others are delivering wrong teachings in both the class or the church. The aim is to achieve a long term or short term goal for various reasons. Take for example the theory of evolution. It taught in school as science but cannot be proved scientifically. Children are not told it is a theory not yet proved. No moon landing has ever happened yet the world was deceived it took place in 1969.  Only very few people care to find out whether it is true or lies. A handful people are asking why it has not happened again. When a lie is repeatedly fed on you in the media, after sometime may sound as the truth.

The second coming of the Lord Jesus has been messed up so many times that some people no longer believe it, or take it seriously. The enemy (Satan) has capitalized on this messed up subject that if the Holy Spirit had not intervened, Christians would have lost hope.

The bible says that those who think they cannot be deceived should take care because they can easily be deceived. Many influential Christian leaders have in the past been deceived and messed up the good work they labored on.

Deception is not a small matter to be taken lightly. The evil one is at work.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! I have decided to always obey you. Open my eyes wide.

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