Saturday 8 February 2014

: Faith

REFERENCE:  Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him. “So shall your offspring be”. Romans 4:18(NIV)

COMMENT: Time had gone and gone. Abraham had lost hope of getting the son promised by God. But a time came when God reactivated Abraham’s hope and in this hope he believed that nothing was impossible to God. He knew for sure God will soon give him the son promised. He had another son by the name Ishmael but he was not the promised one. He came as a result of human effort.

Abraham a man of faith grew even more in faith and the promised son Isaac was born by Sarah his real wife at the old age of 90.

PRAYER: Almighty God! Give me my Isaac; I want to begin my ministry.

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