Tuesday 25 February 2014


Reference: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders ………………………………………….


God is not saying let us make a deal. God is saying this is the deal. Don’t be deceived! You either shape-up or ship-out as the American say.The deal is that no wickedness will be tolerated. Sexual immorality, idolatry (worshiping idols), adultery, male prostitution and homosexuality will lead to permanent separation from God and his kingdom forever.

Don’t be deceived even when your religious or political leaders are shouting and teaching that these vices are OK. A bishop in South Africa and a president in the west are calling homosexuality love and human rights. Many people and organizations are saying it  is politically correct and also progress to be a gay. These are the final days and judgment is coming soon.

Don’t be deceived! We are created by God in his image. We are God’s product and like all manufactures, a manual is in place and it is called the BIBLE. It is the mind of the manufacturer. Human beings as the product of God must operate according to the manual or else nothing will function normally.

Gay lifestyle is one of many projects and programmes meant to reduce the world population. The advocates of the world de-population are committed to reducing the world population by between 80% and 90%. They claim the world is over populated and cannot support 7.5 billion people. They claim the current problems originate from the huge population. They cite problems such  as global warming. Refer to Agenda 21 and many other documents –All readily available in the internet.

A lot of money has been released for population control in the world especially areas where population is fast growing. 

Don’t be deceived! We shall all be held accountable by our Maker for any action we have taken or not taken.

PRAYER: Thank you Holy Spirit, for warning us not to be deceived.  

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