Monday 24 February 2014


REFERENCE: James 2:26

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

COMMENT: ……….”body without spirit is dead”. In creation of man, God did two things. He created the body from the dust of the ground AND breathed into the nostrils. Before the breath was deposited on the body, the body was lifeless.
It is only the breath of God that gave the body the least understood thing called life (spirit). The spirit is not visible because it is not material that you can hold in your hands to examine it.

As soon as the breath of God (spirit) touches and enters the body, the living soul is produced. The man becomes complete (a living soul as the bible puts it; refer to Gen 2:7)

Man is made up of three parts i.e. body (bio), soul (psyche) and spirit (zoe).  Each of the three parts has three faculties as follows:-

1. Body (bio) : flesh, bones and blood

2. Soul (psyche): will, intellect and emotion

3. Spirit (zoe): worship, conscience and intuition (ability to communicate with God).

Animals, unlike human beings, don’t have a spirit but have a soul. Have you ever seen a dog praying or worshiping? No! Because it doesn't have a spirit.  But I know you have seen what it does when it is happy. A happy dog lifts its tail up and does the opposite when sad. The dog’s behavior is dictated by its emotion which is part of the soul. The dog is intelligent no doubt about that. Intelligence is a faculty of the soul.

The human being is created in the image of God (Gen.1:27). The same breath of God put in Adam was transferred to Eve and that is why Eve is part and parcel of Adam. God did not go back to the dust to create a wife for Adam. He pulled her from him as it were. From the two, God continues to make children. There are billions of human beings in the world today as a result, and God loves them all.

PRAYER: Thanks God Almighty for all the knowledge you have given me.

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