Saturday 22 February 2014



 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV)

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.


 The physical body (bio) may be suffering due to external forces such as diseases, hunger, old age or even torture but the spiritual being (Zoe) is not at all affected. I am not implying that there is no pain. The suffering is there and may be intense but this does not in any way try to kill the spirit. The spirit surprisingly, gets stronger and stronger as the body gets weaker.

The spirit is part of God himself and therefore cannot die. What would look like death and sometimes is described as death in the bible is permanent separation from God that Day of Judgment and damnation into hell forever and ever. Hell is real whether the bishop of Rome wishes it away or not. God will not send anybody to hell but people exercising their freewill (human rights) will not choose only heaven but also hell. Some people hate authority and readership.


Holy Spirit! I am glad to know that my physical suffering is not affecting my spiritual growth.

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