Friday 7 February 2014


Leave them, they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall in the pit. Matthew 15:14

Leave them.  Who are  'them'? It is both the Pharisees of old spoken about by the Lord Jesus Christ. They were blind to what the scriptures teach and what Jesus was teaching. It is by choice they were blind and today we have christian leaders and groups doing the same. There is a big question regarding their faith in the only way to the Father. Jesus Christ is the only way according to the bible (see John 14:6). They think they know everything and so they should lead the way but they are lost. LEAVE THEM ALONE.

These blind leaders are for example the liberal theologians and others who teach that God finished with the Jews (replacement theology). Others teach that we have to go through Mary (mother of Jesus) to reach Jesus. The cults and many self-style Prophets have mislead many. The list is long and disturbing.

We have to keep our eyes open. Although the bible states that  we should not judge others (Matthew 7:1)  the bible also says we shall know them by  their fruits (Matthew 7:16). We are  therefore, not  JUDGES but FRUIT INSPECTORS.

We are in the final days and therefore we have to wake up and LEAVE these blind leaders alone.

Holy Spirit! Thank you for teaching me about spiritual blindness and how to keep off from blind leaders.

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