Friday 28 February 2014


REFERENCE: Ephesians 5:6 (NIV)

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.

The bible was written for believers but thank God even the non-believers in circumstances beyond their ability to handle, benefit from the written word.

Let no one deceive you with empty words such as the theory of evolution which is still a theory although our kids at school are not told so. Now that DNA has proved that the theory is false, not many have acknowledged the fact as it is. The fact that no crossover has ever happened is not taught. Donkeys have continued to reproduce donkeys because their DNA is different from that of the horse although they look almost the same. Those who have tried to crossbreed the two have been disappointed. The result of the crossbreed is a different animal called mule which is not able to reproduce itself or anything else.

Science has done a lot of good things that have added value to humankind and nature in general. The human intellect which is a faculty of the soul has done all these scientific discoveries but should not be used to advance other theories and agenda whether political or faith. Man was designed by a master-designer and that is God. God has a special place in our lives and when we replace Him, our lives become empty.

The bible is the only book in the entire world that states with authority about where we have come from, what we are doing here, and where we are going. And for this reason, spiritual need is basic to mankind. Even atheists at one time in life, ask or ponder the question: what after this life?

Atheists, like all human beings, were created in the image of God. The spirit in them, although not alive to God and they cannot see it, longs to go back to God where it originated, hence the above question.


 Holy Spirit! Please continue to teach me every day and to enable me to share the same.

Thursday 27 February 2014


REFERENCE: Galatians 6:7-8(NIV)

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

COMMENT: We are related to God whether we like it or not. He made us by putting his life in us. We are part of God and there is no way we can do away with Him. Our problem is that we have  free-will  given by God Himself. It is within the soul and even animals have it. God did not plan to make us puppets. He made sons and daughters who are able to make their own free decisions and choices: to follow Him or the other way.

God put His life in us and cannot kill Himself. He cannot commit suicide as humans do and that is the reason why He forbids shedding of blood. God’s life lasts forever and so is ours. It is our bodies made from the dust of the earth that die when the spirit is removed and it goes back to God where it originated.

In view of the permanent connection to God, He has the right to state that He cannot be mocked and that one reaps what he sows. It does not matter who we are.
The existence of God cannot be denied or be wished away as advocates of evolution theory would love to see. Let us not abuse the free-will God has given to us. Let us use it to honour Him by choice.

God is not saying to us, let us make a deal. He is clearly saying, this is the deal. He has absolute right over us and we have to account to Him because we are His products. A product cannot say no, to the manufacturer.

We shall reap what we are sowing.  If it is oranges we reap oranges and if it is wheat we shall get wheat. Please refer to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and note, that if we get involved in sinning we shall reap eternal separation from God and that is suffering in hell as the bible affirms. Do not listen to those saying hell does not exist. Follow the bible not people!!!

Thank God Almighty, because of His mercy. He is ready to forgive, if only we are willing to ask for forgiveness. The bible says we have all sinned.

PRAYER: Thanks to God, for the precious blood of Jesus Christ, which washes all our sins.

Wednesday 26 February 2014


REFERENCE: 1 Corinthians 15:33(NIV)

Do not be mislead: “Band company corrupts good character”

COMMENT: The human being is a social and learning creature. People are not lone rangers. They live in groups such as family, tribe, village, city and of cause country. The human baby is born helpless and takes years to learn to take care of themselves. They have to imitate nearly everything including walking on two legs.

Adults continue to learn and their behavior is controlled by the environment. The company they keep, if it does not mislead and corrupt them may produce a good person who is loving and taking care of others. The Christian culture molded by the biblical teachings will result to good character.

Bad culture will mislead and corrupt good character.

When God created humankind, he commanded them (Adam and Eve) to sustain themselves by re-producing themselves. God is organized: He did not create two Adams and expect them to sustain themselves. God provided all that was needed for keeping them alive continuing to reproduce. Satan who is God’s enemy hates God’s creation and would kill all of them if it was possible. He introduces interventions from time to time especially when he senses that God is about to do a great thing in the world. When he knew Moses was to be born, he incited the Pharaoh (king of Egypt) to kill all Jewish male babies. See Exodus 1:15-16. When Jesus was born in Israel about 2000 years ago the evil one incited King Herod and he killed baby boys around Jerusalem. See Matthew 2:16-18.

Satan has repeatedly done such things several times in history. Look at all the wars that have been fought and note the huge numbers of those who have been killed. Remember the holocaust during the Second World War in Europe where six million Jews were killed by people who hated them. The Second World War almost wiped away Europeans. History records that the Red Indians in both North and South America were around 100 million when settlers from Europe arrived. That is more than they are today and so killings must have taken place. The same thing happened in Australia where   the Aborigines have been reduced drastically and pushed to the poor areas.

In Africa south of the Sahara, HIVAIDS is carefully and consistently reducing the            population. Conventional medicine (vaccinations) and GM foods are under suspicion that they are working against population growth.

Finally, gay lifestyle which is getting protection from Europe and America is meant to control population especially in Africa. Since when did two bulls produce a calf? Animals know better!! This publicity of gay lifestyle is totally misleading and corrupting good character. YOU NOW KNOW THE REASON WHY THE GAY LIFESTYLE HAS RECEIVED SUCH PUBLICITY.

PRAYER: Lord God Almighty, have mercy on us through Jesus Christ.        

Tuesday 25 February 2014


Reference: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders ………………………………………….


God is not saying let us make a deal. God is saying this is the deal. Don’t be deceived! You either shape-up or ship-out as the American say.The deal is that no wickedness will be tolerated. Sexual immorality, idolatry (worshiping idols), adultery, male prostitution and homosexuality will lead to permanent separation from God and his kingdom forever.

Don’t be deceived even when your religious or political leaders are shouting and teaching that these vices are OK. A bishop in South Africa and a president in the west are calling homosexuality love and human rights. Many people and organizations are saying it  is politically correct and also progress to be a gay. These are the final days and judgment is coming soon.

Don’t be deceived! We are created by God in his image. We are God’s product and like all manufactures, a manual is in place and it is called the BIBLE. It is the mind of the manufacturer. Human beings as the product of God must operate according to the manual or else nothing will function normally.

Gay lifestyle is one of many projects and programmes meant to reduce the world population. The advocates of the world de-population are committed to reducing the world population by between 80% and 90%. They claim the world is over populated and cannot support 7.5 billion people. They claim the current problems originate from the huge population. They cite problems such  as global warming. Refer to Agenda 21 and many other documents –All readily available in the internet.

A lot of money has been released for population control in the world especially areas where population is fast growing. 

Don’t be deceived! We shall all be held accountable by our Maker for any action we have taken or not taken.

PRAYER: Thank you Holy Spirit, for warning us not to be deceived.  

Monday 24 February 2014


REFERENCE: Matthew 24: 4

Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.”


 The answer to the question asked by the disciples was not about deception but the Lord Jesus chose to teach them about what He knew they needed most. They needed to learn about deception just as much as we need today.

 Deception is the order of the day these final days on the earth. Neighbours will deceive you for various reasons and likewise the politicians will also lie to you so that you can give them your votes. These are just simple deceptions which you are likely to discover before long. There are others you are likely never to uncover and you are likely to take the wrong direction or action.

 To push an agenda to unsuspecting public, some “faceless people” will package a lie and deliver it as truth. Do not look beyond advertising. Most of ads are motivated by profit and what they would like you to believe is not necessarily the truth.

Others are delivering wrong teachings in both the class or the church. The aim is to achieve a long term or short term goal for various reasons. Take for example the theory of evolution. It taught in school as science but cannot be proved scientifically. Children are not told it is a theory not yet proved. No moon landing has ever happened yet the world was deceived it took place in 1969.  Only very few people care to find out whether it is true or lies. A handful people are asking why it has not happened again. When a lie is repeatedly fed on you in the media, after sometime may sound as the truth.

The second coming of the Lord Jesus has been messed up so many times that some people no longer believe it, or take it seriously. The enemy (Satan) has capitalized on this messed up subject that if the Holy Spirit had not intervened, Christians would have lost hope.

The bible says that those who think they cannot be deceived should take care because they can easily be deceived. Many influential Christian leaders have in the past been deceived and messed up the good work they labored on.

Deception is not a small matter to be taken lightly. The evil one is at work.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! I have decided to always obey you. Open my eyes wide.


REFERENCE: James 2:26

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

COMMENT: ……….”body without spirit is dead”. In creation of man, God did two things. He created the body from the dust of the ground AND breathed into the nostrils. Before the breath was deposited on the body, the body was lifeless.
It is only the breath of God that gave the body the least understood thing called life (spirit). The spirit is not visible because it is not material that you can hold in your hands to examine it.

As soon as the breath of God (spirit) touches and enters the body, the living soul is produced. The man becomes complete (a living soul as the bible puts it; refer to Gen 2:7)

Man is made up of three parts i.e. body (bio), soul (psyche) and spirit (zoe).  Each of the three parts has three faculties as follows:-

1. Body (bio) : flesh, bones and blood

2. Soul (psyche): will, intellect and emotion

3. Spirit (zoe): worship, conscience and intuition (ability to communicate with God).

Animals, unlike human beings, don’t have a spirit but have a soul. Have you ever seen a dog praying or worshiping? No! Because it doesn't have a spirit.  But I know you have seen what it does when it is happy. A happy dog lifts its tail up and does the opposite when sad. The dog’s behavior is dictated by its emotion which is part of the soul. The dog is intelligent no doubt about that. Intelligence is a faculty of the soul.

The human being is created in the image of God (Gen.1:27). The same breath of God put in Adam was transferred to Eve and that is why Eve is part and parcel of Adam. God did not go back to the dust to create a wife for Adam. He pulled her from him as it were. From the two, God continues to make children. There are billions of human beings in the world today as a result, and God loves them all.

PRAYER: Thanks God Almighty for all the knowledge you have given me.

Saturday 22 February 2014

GOOD NEWS as POPE FRANCIS declares there is no hell as Christians have falsely believed - hell is just a metaphor

The Kenyan DAILY POST Editor's Choice 11:55 February 17, 2014 - The head of Catholic Church, Pope Francis, is without a doubt a man of many surprises and during the Third Vatican Council, where Cardinals, Bishops and Theologians deliberated on the future of the Catholic Church in its doctrines and dogmas in these dynamic times, Pope Francis pulled another surprise that has shocked the entire world especially Christians.

This is after the Pope changed the long - held perception of Christians about hell where he dismissed it saying there no hell as Christians have falsely believed, because God is love and would not allow his people to suffer.

The Catholic prelate said the church has continued to evolve over the years and so is the religious truth which should set people free from mental slavery.

This is what he said;-

“Through humanity, soul searching, and prayerful contemplation, we have gained a new understanding of certain dogmas. The church no longer believes in a literal hell where people suffer. This doctrine is incompatible with the infinite love of God. God is not a judge but a friend and a lover of humanity. God seeks not to condemn but to embrace. Like the fable of Adam and Eve, we see hell as literally device. Hell is merely a metaphor for the isolated soul, which like all souls ultimately will be united in love with God”, declared Pope Francis.

“We must recognize that religious truth evolves and changes. Truth is not absolute or set in stone. Even atheists acknowledge the Devine. Through acts of love and charity, the atheists acknowledge God as well and redeem their own souls, becoming active participants in the redemption of humanity”, added the Pope.

Do you agree with the Pope?



 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV)

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.


 The physical body (bio) may be suffering due to external forces such as diseases, hunger, old age or even torture but the spiritual being (Zoe) is not at all affected. I am not implying that there is no pain. The suffering is there and may be intense but this does not in any way try to kill the spirit. The spirit surprisingly, gets stronger and stronger as the body gets weaker.

The spirit is part of God himself and therefore cannot die. What would look like death and sometimes is described as death in the bible is permanent separation from God that Day of Judgment and damnation into hell forever and ever. Hell is real whether the bishop of Rome wishes it away or not. God will not send anybody to hell but people exercising their freewill (human rights) will not choose only heaven but also hell. Some people hate authority and readership.


Holy Spirit! I am glad to know that my physical suffering is not affecting my spiritual growth.



 Acts 7:59 (NIV)

While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus receive my spirit”.


Stephen understood very well the condition of a human being. He knew beyond any doubt that his spirit was separating from his body. The spirit which his killers could not see was leaving the body and was on the way to God where it had come from ( Refer to creation of man Genesis 2:7). He knew the body would last only for a short time because they were stoning him.

 The guys killing Stephen could not touch the spirit because it was in a spiritual dimension (realm) they could not see or even understand what was taking place.
Stephen knew and could see where he was headed and so he announced that he was seeing heaven open and that Jesus was standing on the right hand of God. He was being ushered into heaven. He had lost nothing and having mercy on his killers, he prayed that they be forgiven because they did not know what they were doing i.e. they were mentally sick.


Heavenly Father! Bring me to the spiritual level of Stephen.

Thursday 20 February 2014


  REFERENCE: Ecclesiastes 12:7

……………..and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to the God who gave it.


This is what death is and the above scripture explains in detail and only in a few words what death has been and will continue to be.  Death occurs when the body (bio) stops to function even if the heart my continue to beat when connected to a machine. The spirit does not stop to function but it departs and goes back to God.

Time (rapture) is coming when the body (Bio) that came from the ground will be revived and changed completely so that it won’t die again. The spirit will be reunited to the body and a new life (Zoe) will begin to exist and live with the Lord  Jesus Christ forever and ever. Those who have rejected Jesus Christ will be separated from him forever unfortunately.


 Thank you God Almighty because your Spirit has taught me about death and resurrection.                                               

Tuesday 18 February 2014


 But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty that gives him understanding.  Job 32:8(NIV)

According to Genesis 2:7, the Lord God formed man from the dust and breathed life (Zoe) into the body and it gained life (Zoe). The breath of God plus the dust of the earth, there emerged a living soul (psyche). The body that came from the earth became physical flesh (bio) because it originated from the soil. It became flesh, bones and blood. In total a biological being.

Without the three elements coming together there would be no human being. Death is the result of these three separating and finally we have only two elements  remaining and these are the spirit(Zoe) and the body(bio).The spirit goes back to God and the body of cause returns to the dust.

SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY, can be compared to powder, water and ink. If you need to make ink, you need powder and water.  Mix the powder with water and you already have ink. If you separate water from powder, ink will disappear just as the soul disappears when body and spirit separate at death. The spirit which cannot die resides with God waiting to reunite with the body which will be revived and renewed.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! This is not an easy subject to understand. Simplify it to me and my esteemed readers.

Monday 17 February 2014


……….. These are the things you are to teach and urge on them. 1Timothy 6:2 (NIV)

COMMENT: Paul is addressing Timothy regarding the relationship between masters and their servants. These are not just any masters and servants but believers. The message is simple in that the servants are expected to serve their masters with respect as well as rendering the best service because as they serve their masters who are likewise serving God, they (servants) are also serving the same God. They have a handsome reward as well as the masters.

Our service to the servants of the living God is a service to God Himself.  God has chosen to teach us but has delegated the responsibility to His servants. We have no choice but to serve the God’s servants.
PRAYER: God Almighty! Strengthen me physically in order to those appointed to labour for God.


Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to knowledge of the truth. 2 Timothy 2:25 (NIV)

COMMENT: Even in opposition, the Holy Spirit is saying we must continue to instruct (teach) hoping that those opposing will be granted repentance which will lead to the truth.

Instruction (teaching) more ad more is the solution to opposition. We have to ask the Holy Spirit to increase our gift of teaching and knowledge in order to counter the opposition. Patience is the other ability we have to pray for, so that we can acquire the ability to hold on. We cannot afford to give up easily. Our aim is to go on even when we are threatened with death.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Give me extra supernatural power to continue even when opposition is growing.

Evangelizing Prosperity Gospel Adherents

One clear winter morning, I was sitting at my favorite coffee shop reading the Scriptures and journaling. A man walking past my table noticed I was reading the Bible and began to engage me in conversation.

He shared that he was a member of a large church in our area (one that preaches the prosperity “gospel”), and that he believed the Bible was primarily a book about God’s intentions to bless us.

I replied that the Bible is actually a book about who God is, who we are, and what God has done to reconcile us to himself. I began sharing the gospel, and noted that Christians were promised suffering as part of following Jesus.

He responded by saying that as long as we have faith, God will bless us and keep us from suffering. I referred to several verses where God promises that believers will suffer ordinary trials as well as specific persecution, at which point he put up his hands defensively and said, “I just don’t receive that for my life.”

My wife and I had recently suffered a miscarriage, and I felt compelled to share that with him. I explained that when we encounter trials like those, we can’t simply say, “I just don’t receive that for my life” and make them go away. I also shared the good news that Jesus has overcome the world, and that he promises never to leave us or forsake us in our trials—promises that comforted us in our suffering.

I believe my openness and the weightiness of my trial caught him off-guard, so he quickly expressed his condolences and excused himself from the conversation. But the whole experience left me wondering: how can we better prepare ourselves to evangelize those who have believed the prosperity “gospel”?


Sharing the gospel with people who have bought into the unbiblical message that Jesus died to make us healthy, wealthy, and successful is challenging for many reasons, but I believe two are primary.

1. The message of prosperity appeals to the flesh.

First, the message of prosperity appeals to the flesh. The prosperity “gospel” capitalizes on natural desires for health and wealth and promises what our sinful hearts desire. There is no call to repent of sin; there is no call to deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus; there is no call to die (Mk. 10:34-35).

As a result, when we share the gospel with someone who has bought into the prosperity “gospel,” we are calling him to forsake his belief in a message that appeals to the flesh in exchange for belief in a message that doesn’t.

2. They use the same words we do, but with different meaning.

Second, prosperity “gospel” adherents use the same words we do, but with different meaning. For example, when I use the word faith, I mean a gift God has given me to believe that his Word is true and that his Son is the Christ (1 Cor. 2:14; Jn. 6:44, 65). When many prosperity “gospel” adherents use the word faith, they mean a tool we use to place God in our debt. Faith is simply the currency we use to get what we want from God.

As another example, when I use the word gospel, I mean the good news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection (1 Cor. 15:1-4; Gal. 2:10-14). When many prosperity “gospel” adherents use the word gospel, they mean the “good news” that God desires us to be healthy, wealthy, and prosperous.


Paul is clear that all Christians, especially pastors, should do the work of evangelism, and that we should “be ready in season and out of season” (2 Tim. 4:1-5). How, then, can we prepare ourselves for this workevangelize those who believe in the prosperity “gospel”?

1. Humbly recognize that apart from the grace of God, we too would believe a false gospel.

Humbly recognize that apart from the grace of God, we too would believe a false gospel. If it’s true that the prosperity “gospel” appeals to the flesh and we were born dead in sin (Eph. 2:1), then the grace of God is the only reason we recognize it as a false gospel. This should lead us to speak humbly with those who believe the lie of the prosperity “gospel.”

2. Affirm what is true in the prosperity “gospel.”

Let me be clear: the prosperity “gospel” is a counterfeit gospel. But the thing about counterfeits is that they have to look enough like the real thing in order to be believable. So affirm what is true in the prosperity gospel.

The prosperity “gospel” is based upon a theistic worldview. It correctly asserts that there are blessings from following Jesus—even in this lifetime (Mk. 10:29-30). It is based upon a firm belief that God hears and answers prayer (Jas. 5:16), and it affirms the truth that God rewards faith (Mt. 9:29).

The prosperity “gospel” isn’t completely devoid of truth, and to pretend otherwise is neither accurate nor helpful in evangelism.

3. Confront the lies and flaws of the prosperity “gospel.”

Confront the lies and flaws of the prosperity “gospel.” One dangerous lie of the prosperity “gospel” is that the quantity of your faith determines what you receive from God. However, the Bible is clear that it is the object of our faith, not the amount we have, that matters. If we have great faith in idols, they will not save us; if we have even small faith in Jesus, he will save us (Jn. 14:1-14).

A fatal flaw of the prosperity “gospel” is that it provides no help when suffering inevitably comes (Jn. 16:33). If we believe that our faith in God will exempt us from suffering, we will be forced to conclude that God lied to us, that he doesn’t exist, or that we simply didn’t have enough faith—none of which are true.

4. Hold out the hope of the biblical gospel.

Hold out the hope of the biblical gospel. The gospel tells us that we do not deserve good from God. We deserve to be eternally punished for our sin. And yet God, who is rich in mercy, justifies us through faith in the person and work of Jesus.

Whether we receive many apparent blessings in this life or not, the good news is that through faith in Christ, our sin is forgiven and we have been adopted into God’s family. That knowledge will keep us from idolizing good things or becoming unnecessarily discouraged when we don’t receive good things in this life.

5. Live a generous life that shows our greatest joy is found in God, not in the material blessings God gives us.

Finally, live a generous life that shows our greatest joy is found in God, not in the material blessings God gives us. If we argue convincingly against the prosperity “gospel” from Scripture but then live our lives to acquire and hoard money and possessions, we undo with our lives everything we may have accomplished with our lips.

When we live generous lives, giving out of the abundance God has given to us, we create opportunities to share the biblical gospel. Paul writes, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9).

Giving generously shows others that Christ is our greatest treasure, and that we value him and his work on our behalf above anything else God will ever give to us.

Bill Gates and Polio: ‘New vaccines can help reduce population by 10-15%’

March 6, 2013 By 21wire 19 Comments

21st Century Wire
says… Bill Gates, along with Michael Bloomberg, are members of an exclusive elite club. You have to buy your way in. Can you guess what this special club does?

Timothy Alexander Guzman

Before Its News

Bill Gates of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg were interviewed on Charlie Rose on February 28th, 2013 that mainly focused on the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and how “new approaches” to their agenda can be utilized.

Bill Gates, along with Michael Bloomberg, has contributed large sums of money to numerous causes such as the Global Polio Eradication Initiative originally launched in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO), Rotary International, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Gates has been in the forefront for the depopulation agenda which he publicly stated in 2010 during a conference for TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) that:

 “The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
The Charlie Rose interview was an indication on how new technological advances can possibly help them vaccinate the majority of children in the Third World including Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries throughout Africa. The technology used to track children for vaccinations is dangerous. It sets the precedence to target children in many Third World countries. Charlie Rose asked Bill Gates about the “New Approaches” used in the process:
Charlie Rose:
You mentioned the five or a six year plan the new initiative has learning from old lessons and therefore, coming up with new approaches. What are the new approaches?
Bill Gates:
Well, we’re able to use new technology like satellite photos to see are there people moving around, nomadic roots. You know we see if when we go out to get all the children, if there’s some settlement areas that we’ve actually missed. We also put a – – a phone in the vaccine box they carry around that looks where they’re located every three minutes and so it has that GPS data. At the end of the day you plug that in and compare it to where they were asked to go, and you can see if you’re – you’re really covering all the kids.
The “New Technology” used to locate children to administer vaccinations is a method that will be introduced to many countries targeted for depopulation. It is a scenario that poses a threat to humanity. The Polio vaccine has contributed to the more deadly ‘Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (NPAFP)’. NPAFP is not any different from polio paralysis, but it is twice as dangerous.
In a 2012 article titled “Study: Polio vaccine campaign in India has caused 12-fold increase in deadly paralysis condition” by alternative health website staff writer Ethan A. Huff reported that:
“The mainstream media has been busy hailing the supposed success of India’s polio vaccine campaign over the past few years, with many news outlets now claiming that the disease has been fully eradicated throughout the country. But what these misinformation puppets are failing to disclose is the fact that cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP), a much more serious condition than that caused by polio, have skyrocketed as a result of the vaccine’s widespread administration”
What the polio vaccine has done was increase a more severe condition called non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP).
In 2011, for instance, the year in which India was declared to be polio-free, there were 47,500 known cases of NPAFP, which is a shockingly high figure under the circumstances. And based on data collected from India’s National Polio Surveillance Project, cases of NPAFP across India rose dramatically in direct proportion to the number of polio vaccines administered, which suggests that the vaccines were responsible for spurring the rapid spread of this deadly condition.
Not only has NPAFP increased 12 times due to the Polio Vaccine campaign, the cost to India increased 100 times more than the original amount as well. Huff wrote:
According to the IJME report, the entire polio vaccine scam in India was spawned from initial grants made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and various other groups that claimed the program would eventually pay off. But the overall costs once India started paying for the program quickly ballooned to more than 100 times the initial investment amount, with more than $2.5 billion and counting still being funneled into it.
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is a fraud. But more importantly, it is a dangerous step towards forced inoculations by the global elites who claim that their philanthropies are supposed to help people. Overall, it sets a dangerous path towards an Orwellian society that will be monitored and targeted for vaccinations that do more harm than good. The ultimate goal is depopulation, not saving populations.
About the author:

Timothy Alexander Guzman is an independent researcher and writer with a focus on political, economic, media and historical spheres. He has been published in Global Research, The Progressive Mind, European Union Examiner, News Beacon Ireland,, EIN News and a number of other alternative news sites. He is a graduate of Hunter College in New York City.

21st Century Wire Eugenic Files


Saturday 15 February 2014

WHITE FLOUR contains diabetes-causing contaminant ALLOXAN

You may want to think twice before eating your next sandwich on white bread. Studies show that alloxan, the chemical that makes white flour look "clean" and "beautiful," destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. That's right; you may be devastating your pancreas and putting yourself at risk for diabetes, all for the sake of eating "beautiful" flour. Is it worth it?
Scientists have known of the alloxan-diabetes connection for years; in fact, researchers who are studying diabetes commonly use the chemical to induce the disorder in lab animals. In the research sense, giving alloxan to an animal is similar to injecting that animal with a deadly virus, as both alloxan and the virus are being used specifically to cause illness. Every day, consumers ingest foods made with alloxan-contaminated flour. Would they just as willingly consume foods tainted with a deadly virus? Unless they had a death wish, they probably would not. Unfortunately, most consumers are unaware of alloxan and its potentially fatal link to diabetes because these facts are not well publicized by the food industry.
How does alloxan cause diabetes? According to Dr. Hari Sharma's Freedom from Disease, the uric acid derivative initiates free radical damage to DNA in the beta cells of the pancreas, causing the cells to malfunction and die. When these beta cells fail to operate normally, they no longer produce enough insulin, or in other words, they cause one variety of adult-onset type 2 diabetes. Alloxan's harmful effects on the pancreas are so severe that the Textbook of Natural Medicine calls the chemical "a potent beta-cell toxin." However, even though the toxic effect of alloxan is common scientific knowledge in the research community, the FDA still allows companies to use it when processing foods we ingest.
The FDA and the white flour industry could counter-argue that, if alloxan were to cause diabetes, a higher proportion of Americans would be diabetic. After all, more consumers consume white flour on a regular basis than are actually diabetic. This point is valid, but it does not disprove the alloxan-diabetes connection. While alloxan is one cause of adult-onset type 2 diabetes, it is of course not the only cause. As the Textbook of Natural Medicine states, "current theory suggests an hereditary beta-cell predisposition to injury coupled with some defect in tissue regeneration capacity" may be a key cause. For alloxan to cause injury to an individual's beta cells, the individual must have the genetic susceptibility to injury. This is similar to the connection between high-cholesterol foods and heart disease. Eating high-cholesterol foods causes heart disease, especially in people who have family histories of heart disease. The link between alloxan and diabetes is as clear and solid as the link between cholesterol and heart disease.
If you've been eating white bread for years and you have a family history of diabetes, all hope is not lost for you. Studies show that you can reverse the effects of alloxan by supplementing your diet with vitamin E. According to Dr. Gary Null's Clinicians Handbook of Natural Healing, vitamin E effectively protected lab rats from the harmful effects of administered alloxan. Now, you're not a lab rat, but you're a mammal and vitamin E is definitely worth adding to your daily regimen of nutritional supplements, especially if you have a history of eating foods made with white flour and are at high risk for diabetes.
Even if you are already diabetic, some simple changes to your diet can help treat your diabetes. First of all, stop eating foods made with white flour. Even though you already have diabetes, vitamin E supplements can still help you, as can many common foods. Garlic, for example, does wonders for diabetes. As Dr. Benjamin Lau states in his book Garlic for Health, "When fed garlic, the rabbits' elevated blood sugar dropped almost as much as it did when they were given the antidiabetic drug tolbutamide. Researchers postulated that garlic may improve the insulin effect."
If you can't handle the taste of natural garlic, you can take it in widely available supplements. Aloe vera is a traditional diabetic remedy in the Arabian Peninsula, and its therapeutic characteristics are now gaining worldwide acceptance in the treatment of diabetes. According to both human and animal research studies, aloe vera lowers blood glucose levels by an unknown mechanism. According to the Clinicians Handbook of Natural Healing, this natural hypoglycemic effect extended over a period of 24 hours. Adding onions to your diet (along with the garlic) can also significantly reduce your blood sugar level. Additionally, as Dr. Michael T. Murray writes in The Healing Power of Herbs, studies show that ginseng controls glucose in both diabetic humans and diabetic laboratory animals.
It all comes down to asking if putting yourself at risk for diabetic coma, blindness, limb amputation and death is worth eating white bread. If you're willing to risk your quality of life and your life itself, then go ahead and eat all the foods made with white flour you want. However, if you want to stop poisoning yourself with alloxan, a known toxic chemical, then make a few simple dietary changes. Eat groceries (see related ebook on groceries) made with whole-grain wheat flour, not processed white flour.
The experts speak on alloxan
Animal experiments have shown that animals which have their Beta cells destroyed by alloxan are able to regenerate Beta cells after a few months when taking GS, a herb grown in India. The Beta cell is the cell that produces insulin. Diabetics needing insulin treatment (Type 1) have been able to decrease their insulin after GS therapy.
A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By James Howenstine MD, page 112
In the mid-1980s, however (when herbal remedies again were popular), pata de vaca's continued use as a natural insulin substitute was reiterated in two Brazilian studies. Both studies reported in vivo hypoglycemic actions in various animal and human models. Chilean research in 1999 reported the actions of pata de vaca in diabetic rats. Their study determined that pata de vaca was found to "elicit remarkable hypoglycemic effects," and brought about a "decrease of glycemia in alloxan diabetic rats by 39%." In 2002, two in vivo studies on the blood sugar-lowering effects of pata de vaca were conducted by two separate research groups in Brazil. The first study reported "a significant blood glucose-lowering effect in normal and diabetic rats."…
The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor, page 382
When beta cells in the pancreas fail to secrete enough insulin, the body loses its ability to metabolize carbohydrates and to reduce glucose levels in the bloodstream. Researchers believe that some people have weak free radical defenses in these beta cells, and that free radical damage to DNA in beta cells, resulting in dysfunction or cell death, helps cause maturity-onset diabetes. It is known, for example, that many chemicals—including alloxan, paraquat, and certain chemotherapeutic agents—can stimulate excessive production of oxy radicals in the nuclei of beta cells.
Freedom From Disease by Hari Sharma MD, page 94
...nearly two decades later, researchers at RNT Medical College in India induced diabetes in rabbits with intravenous injections of alloxan. When fed garlic, the rabbits' elevated blood sugar dropped almost as much as it did when they were given the antidiabetic drug tolbutamide. Researchers postulated that garlic may improve the insulin effect by either increasing the pancreatic secretion of insulin or by releasing bound insulin.
Garlic for Health by Benjamin Lau MD PhD, page 22
Commercial yeasted breads, even the whole-grain varieties, often have other problems. They typically contain flour bleach, which forms alloxan, a compound known to cause diabetes in animals by destroying the beta cells of the pancreas (Clinical Nutrition Newsletter, Dec. 1982). …
Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford, page 452
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is generally recognized to be due to an insulin deficiency. Although the exact cause is unknown, current theory suggests an hereditary beta-cell predisposition to injury coupled with some defect in tissue regeneration capacity. Causes of injury are most likely hydroxyl and other free radicals, viral infection, and autoimmune reactions. alloxan, the uric acid derivative used to induce experimental diabetes in animals, is a potent beta-cell toxin, causing destruction via hydroxyl radical formation.
Textbook of Natural Medicine Volumes 1-2 by Joseph E Pizzorno and Michael T Murray, page 1197
In this study, mice received intraperitoneally melatonin in doses ranging from 100 to 450 mg/kg. Results showed that such treatment proved plasma glucose increase due to alloxan-induced pancreatic toxicity.
The Clinicians Handbook Of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD, page 88
Bleached white flour. Not only have the bran and germ been stripped away, but bleached flour also contains a substance from the flour bleach (alloxan) which causes diabetes in animals. Unbleached white flour should also be avoided since it is stripped of essential nutrients.
The Enzyme Cure by Lita Lee with Lisa Turner & Burton Goldberg, page 123
When fed garlic, the rabbits' elevated blood sugar dropped almost as much as it did when they were given the antidiabetic drug tolbutamide. Researchers postulated that garlic may improve the insulin effect by either increasing the pancreatic secretion of insulin or by releasing bound insulin.
Garlic for Health by Benjamin Lau MD PhD, page 22
Aloe vera also exhibits a hypoglycemic effect in both normal and alloxan-induced diabetic mice. A small human study shows benefit in diabetics. Five patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes ingested half a teaspoonful of aloe 4 times daily for 14 weeks. Fasting blood sugar in every patient fell from a mean of 273 to 151 mg/dl with no change in body weight. The authors concluded that aloe lowers blood glucose levels by an unknown mechanism …. .
Results of this study showed that rats given vitamin E before being administered either streptozotocin or alloxan provided protection against the diabetogenic effects of each. It was also observed that rats with a depleted antioxidant state due to a vitamin E and selenium-deficient diet showed increased diabetogenic susceptibility to normally nondiabetogenic doses of streptozotocin.
The Clinicians Handbook Of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD, page 312
Noting that the dried sap of the aloe plant to be a traditional diabetic remedy in the Arabian peninsula, this study examined its ability to reduce blood glucose levels in 5 non-insulin-dependent diabetics and in Swiss albino mice made diabetic with alloxan. Results showed that the intake of 1/2 teaspoon of aloes daily for 4-14 weeks significantly reduced the fasting serum glucose level fell in all patients. Fasting plasma glucose was significantly reduced in diabetic mice by glibenclamide and aloes after 3 days.
The Clinicians Handbook Of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD, page 369
This study examined the effects of exudate of Aloe barbadensis leaves (oral administration of 500 mg/kg) and its bitter principle (ip administration of 5 mg/kg) on plasma glucose levels of alloxan-diabetic mice. Results showed that the hypoglycemic effect of a single oral dose of aloes on serum glucose level was insignificant in while that of the bitter principle was highly significant and extended over a period of 24 hours.
The Clinicians Handbook Of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD, page 369
Ginseng exerts numerous pharmacological effects in humans and laboratory animals, including … improved glucose control in humans and diabetic (alloxan-induced) rats; ….
The Healing Power of Herbs by Michael T Murray ND, page 269


Reference 1 Timothy 4:11
Command and teach these things

COMMENT:  Timothy is being instructed by Paul to not only teach, but to command as well. He is the leader and therefore he has to issue orders. His authority is derived from God Almighty through the elders who laid their hands on him when he was commissioned. He was sent to by the church to grow a group of God’s men for the Kingdom work. He did not send himself.

Teaching is a major activity in the work of God. Men and women are able to learn everyday. They are able to process new concepts and ideas and not only store but also put them into practice. That way, they are able to add value to their lives and the lives of their students.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Command and teach me always. I am willing to take orders and to learn. 

Friday 14 February 2014


I was just utterly shocked to have recently discovered another FDA first degree murder! When I studied chemistry forty plus years ago, they were using a fairly benign bleaching agent to bleach white flour. Now it comes out they have started using alloxan! Alloxan is a poison, the most famous spinner up of super oxide free radicals known to science! It is used to chemically produce diabetes in normal rats, because alloxan spins up enormous amounts of free radicals in pancreatic beta cells, utterly destroying them! Aspartame also so damages the mitochondria, that people are then damaged by the free radicals spun up by the damaged mitochondria!

(Premature graying for example)The VERY LAST thing we need added to our diet is alloxan, (A well known grievous poison!) which the FDA now has being force fed to us in white flour! (This includes even pasta!) Boy! Is the FDA ever making it hard to get any wholesome food in this country!

Alloxan thus directly interacts with Aspartame to produce multi organ damage, including diabetes and syndrome X! It also makes the poisonings from many other junk-foods far worse, and causes advanced aging (just like Aspartame!) AND, many other DEGENERATIVE DISEASES!

I hope this information helps to prove to the New Mexico Legislature, and to the courts that the FDA is now indeed just farcical, since Rumsfeld in 1981 broke everything decent in our government to put the heinous Aspartame into Us!

Sure glad I eat mostly whole wheat bread! I will now avoid ALL white flour products from this point forward. Somebody, obviously just wants to kill us!

Thursday 13 February 2014


Reference:  Matthew 28:20 (NIV)
……………………and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.

Nearly everything we know, we have been taught by somebody. Apart from a few activities which we do not learn but follow the instinct such as sucking (breast feeding) and crying, nearly everything else is learnt. Human being children according to God’s design must learn hence needing care for a long time unlike animals. Where learning is needed, then a teacher is required. The best teacher we have had is our mother who has taught us a language and how to think in it.

Obedience is a requirement by our maker (GOD) on our part and must be taught. The teaching manual is the bible. It is the mind of the maker on how the people are to operate. The manufacturer of any product will always write a manual giving detail on how to operate the item. Sometimes chooses to dictate the manual to the product  e.g.  a computer manufacturer uses the same machine to type and store the manual.
Now that the end of the age is approaching, all our activities must be guided by the word of God.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! I am your student and must from you. Instruct me.