Saturday 15 March 2014


REFERENCE: Romans 3:13 (NIV)

Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips.


 The scripture under reference is a quotation from the word of God in the bible. It means that deceit is a daily activity among the Jews as well as the Gentiles. We are made of the same clay and we have corrupted the life (Zoe), God installed in us.  Satan legally took over all the power and authority from Adam and that gave Satan the title “god”of this world. This is not a small matter.

The solution to this problem of sin is to overthrow Satan’s dominion by surrendering to the Lord Jesus. Satan is now in trouble because of salvation humankind are receiving daily. The atoning blood of the Lord Jesus was accepted in heaven 2000 years ago and on Christ’s return, Satan will be locked in a bottomless pit and later he will go to his place in the lake of fire, to burn forever.

Our hearts practice deceit and this is compared to snake’s poison. Our throats are compared to graves. This means that no one is righteous, hence our need for a redeemer who is both man and God. Reconciliation is possible only through Jesus Christ who was fully man and God. He is the only righteous one who made it possible for us to become righteous. We are promoted to the rank of saint while on earth. What the Church of Rome teaches that you become a saint when you have died after doing lots of works, is deception. All you need is salvation (second birth) through the blood of Jesus Christ.

The righteousness we have is that of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave us the power to become the children of God (not just a creation of God). It is his righteousness not ours that counts: we have no righteousness at all. And because of Jesus’ righteousness we become saints while on earth.

The ultimate goal will have been achieved when we are changed to be like him. We shall dwell with Jesus forever in the new City of Jerusalem which will rest on the new earth. People will be coming in and going out of the city which has twelve gates. I suppose these people coming in and going out will be the Jews.


 Holy Spirit! Teach us more and more every day.

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