Thursday 6 March 2014


REFERENCE: Zephaniah (NIV)

The remnant of Israel will do no wrong; they will speak no lies, nor deceit be found in their mouths. They will eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid.

This prophesy by Zephaniah the Jewish prophet, about his people the Israelite has not yet been fulfilled. Like many promises made to the Jews, it will be fulfilled during the millennium, when real peace brought by the Lord Jesus Christ, the true Prince of Peace, will have destroyed the Anti-Christ and his assistant the False Prophet in the battle of Armageddon. Satan will have been tied up and thrown into the bottomless pit, for the duration of the millennium i.e. 1000 years.

The remnant of the Jews who will have been protected in caves in Petra (south of the Israel), will be released to dwell in the land their father Abraham was given by God. The time of unusual   peace mentioned several times in the bible will be experienced in the entire world that time. “People will learn war no more,”   and even animals will not hurt one another, nor harm humankind. The world climate will be tropical everywhere. Famine or any type of suffering will be unknown. Death and disease will be no more.

 The Lord Jesus Christ will rule the world from Jerusalem and will be assisted by the saints who will have returned with him from heaven. The saints are all the people who died believing and those who were ruptured.  They will have been given bodies like that of Jesus himself in order to rule with him. . They include all who believed and died before Jesus gave his life for humanity. All will be there including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their bodies will be different from the Jews who will have been protected in Petra. Those from Petra will be the same as we are today. They will reproduce and by the end of the millennium the world will likely have billions of people, because there will be no death all that long. It will be like the time of Adam up to the flood.

During the war of Armageddon, humankind will be wiped out by the Anti-Christ who will be fighting the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, when the war ends, nobody will have survived except the Jews hidden in Petra caves.  Look at the verse under reference and note that, they will, “eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid.”  It is dangerous to live in Israel today because of terrorism and it will be even worse under the Anti-Christ when he will demand that the Jews worship him as God. He will attack and kill them, but before exterminating them, the remnant,will run to Petra and be protected there until the end of the great tribulation and the beginning of the millennium.

 God Almighty save our souls today and forever; Amen!

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