Sunday 16 March 2014


REFERENCE: 1Peter 2:1(NIV)

Therefore rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.


Get rid of all deceit as well as the other sins especially the ones mentioned above. You cannot confront a sin you do not understand. We have to ask for wisdom from God in order to understand deception, especially these last days when anything is happening. Kenya, like many other countries in the world, is currently facing several giants of austerity measures, corruption, terrorism, tribal animosity, ghost workers, rising cost of living and massive unemployment.  Deception is sometimes used all over the world in explaining what is happening. The citizens of the world are disturbed and do not know what to do.

Other problems or sins are not as difficult to understand as deceit. Deceit is able to cover itself and remain hidden. Satan uses deception more than any other vices mentioned because it is easier to reach many goals within a short time and with minimal monetary cost.  As mentioned earlier, if a lie is still working, no need to invent a new one.

If an issue, for example homosexuality is discussed and mentioned many times, in the media and other forums, the human mind will start to tolerate it. That is the way the devil likes it.

The Lord Jesus Christ in his discussion, with his disciples as recorded in Matthew 24, orders that we must not be deceived. That means we have the ability to accept or reject deception otherwise our Lord would not demand that we reject what is not true. The Holy Spirit is able to help us to discern but will not force us to stop believing a lie, because we have the freedom to choose i.e. free-will given at the beginning when Adam was created. The devil also has the same freedom even to attack humankind, but only for a short time.  God will not violate his ways or take orders from anybody.


 Holy Spirit! Please give us understanding and wisdom that comes from you.

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