Friday 21 March 2014


REFERENCE: 2 Corinthians 11:13 (NIV)

For such men are false prophets, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ.


The whole world is full of false apostles and the only way you can know them is by inspecting the fruits they produce. According to Matthew 7:15-16 we have the authority to “watch out for false prophets…………by their fruit you will recognize them”. The same chapter of Matthew 7, a warning is given to those who judge others. I am not a judge, but I have the authority to recognize them by the fruit they produce. By its fruit, I will obviously tell what kind of tree, it is.

Let me look at one religious organization but I will not name it for fear of retaliation. The “church” or "system" is global and many Christians call it Babylon the great as per book of Revelation chapter 18 in the bible. The followers of this so called church are in excess of one billion in the world. It is run like a secret society and it is efficient and  powerful. It is one of the richest organizations in the world yet claims to be poor. 

One wrong teaching is calling Mary, “mother of God”. God has no mother and does not need one. There is no mother in heaven as well. The bible does not teach this kind of theology and therefore it is not acceptable. Gender issues are not heavenly. This “church” discourages its members reading the bible for fear that they may discover the truth.

The organization has targeted protestant churches in an effort to unite with them in areas they have something in common. That is how their white cookie called sacrament has found its way to good churches full of believers who are unfortunately deceived. The white cookies are made in secret places and are dedicated to Satan.

Recently, the head of the “church”, told the world that hell is not real. His gone predecessor had said the same, only a few years ago. It is a serious deception that will mislead many for a long time and lead them to the place they are told does not exist.  
Anyway, God will take care of the deceivers.

When asked about homosexuality, this head of the “church”, did not offer guidance. He said, “Who am I to judge?”  The bible expects him to inspect the fruits of the persons involved in the behavior, and call the behaviour what it is. The media is calling his reply, wisdom.


 Holy Spirit! Change the organization soon.

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