Thursday 13 March 2014


REFERENCE: Romans 1:9 (NIV)

They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips…………..


 Deceit and all these characters in the above scripture under reference, are common everywhere today, more than they were when Paul was writing this letter to the Romans. Today, people call sin weakness, instead of calling it what it is. These are not just sins; they are demons; powerful spiritual beings able to destroy humankind. In the past and even currently, the spirit of murder in a large scale has invaded Russia, China, Germany, many African countries and the Middle East and eliminated millions of people. Satan hates human beings even those who love and serve him. The fact that we cannot touch him or test his existence physically, makes us think and conclude he does not exist.

The scripture under reference, states that man is full of deceit and all the vices mentioned. Deceit is the greatest weapon used by Satan and has done great damage to Christianity for a long time. The climax will be witnessed soon when the man of lawlessness (Anti-Christ) will be revealed. He will achieve his goals through deception.

Satan does not need to invent new lies as long as the old ones are working. He makes counterfeits. He changes something you already know, just a little and the entire meaning changes completely. You cannot make counterfeit if the real thing does not exist. For example, you cannot make a counterfeit two-dollar note because a real one does not exist.

Satan is the accomplished deceiver and uses physical beings to achieve his goals. There are so many organizations totally committed to Satan but you can hardly detect unless God gives you the ability to discern. The bible says we should not judge people, but we are permitted to inspect the kind of fruits they bare. If their fruits are full of deception and the other vices mentioned in the above scripture, we cannot help but reject them and keep away.


 As born-again Christians, we are the children of God and our Father reveals what His kids need to know.  REVEAL!

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