Wednesday 5 March 2014


REFERENCE: Daniel 8:25

He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human.

Deceit will prosper during the time of this man of lawlessness. The bible says he will begin very well and everybody will think he is the saviour they have been waiting for. The economy will do pretty well because he may write off all so called external debts which, deceived Americans think they owe it to themselves. Please note that Americans erroneously believe they lend most of the money to the world, yet they, themselves owe trillions to invisible entities. The infamous zero growth policy in the entire world will be suspended for a short time.  The standard gauge railway line in Kenya and other suspended projects in the world may be revived that time. People will begin to discuss the American dream again. It will be dream come true.

Peace will be negotiated everywhere including the Middle East and treaties will be signed. The Anti-Christ, whatever his real name will be, is definitely going to win the Nobel Prize for peace. He will tour the whole world putting off fires, and receiving  other prizes and gifts. His ability to perform all that, will be supernatural and will be derived from his boss: Satan.

In the middle of all this prosperity, which may be mistaken by genuine Christians who love and preach the prosperity gospel, the Anti-Christ will begin to show his true colours. He will begin to make unreasonable demands. He will force people to worship him and a lot of resistance will begin especially from the Jews. He will begin to persecute everybody opposing him and will kill more than have ever been killed. According to Revelation 13 :16 -18 he will force all to receive the mark of the beast on their hand or forehead. Nobody will buy or sell without the number. It will be the identification number for all and those who will reject it will be killed. By this time the believers will have been ruptured (taken away). They will be in heaven with Jesus but those left behind and they are killed because of their faith will join them one by one as their heads are chopped off. It will be a time of untold suffering.

Thank God because the end will be good when the Lord Jesus will come to end it all. He will destroy the Anti-Christ and his assistant as is written in the last part of this scripture under reference.

 Thank you God Almighty, because you have given us your son Jesus Christ so that whoever will believe in him will be saved.

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