Tuesday 18 March 2014


REFERENCE: Jeremiah 17:9(NIV)

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?


 When God created man, He mixed His Spirit with clay mold and as a result the man became a living soul. An example is given of mixing powder with water and as a result getting ink i.e. two entities becoming one and completely different from the original two. On separating the same ink, you revert to the original powder and water. Ink will disappear completely. This is exactly what happens when the Spirit of God is separated from the human body at death. The living soul disappears.

The soul is made up of intellect, emotion and will. Man (soul) therefore, is composed of freewill given to him by God on creation and God hardly interferes with man. He allows the man to choose the way to go; to obey Him or Satan. God in his wisdom did not intend to create puppets He would control their movements. He planned to have creatures made in his own image, who would love Him by choice.

This freewill or freedom is good because it makes humankind independent. Self-determination is a basic human need, and when violated we are reduced to the level of animals. Man will always fight for self-determination when he senses he is denied. Human rights which is guaranteed in modern constitutions in all democracies in the world today, is meeting this basic need in humans.

Freewill as basic, and as human as it is, can easily be abused when making choices and that is exactly what Adam did in the Garden of Eden.  With his wife Eve in the  Garden, they deliberately chose to disobey God’s simple instruction not to eat fruits from the tree of knowledge. When they did eat the fruit, following the deception by Satan, they surrendered all the authority and dominion received from God. They handed over all the power to Satan and that is how humankind ended up becoming deceitful in their hearts above all things. Deception became like their mother tongue in the same way Satan is.

Satan having messed up everything on taking over from Adam, God, in His wisdom planned a way to rescue man from the dominion of Satan. He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to pay the debt of sin which came to humankind through Adam.  Jesus became the second Adam and through Him, we have a way out. The only requirement is a second birth by receiving Jesus Christ in your heart.

The same freewill must be exercised in choosing to accept Jesus and His work at the cross at Calvary, Jerusalem. God will not violate your human right in choosing which way to go, although it is not His will to see His creation suffer and later go to Hell.


Thank you JESUS, for your salvation. 

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