Monday 10 March 2014


REFERENCE: Mark 7:22 & 23 (NIV)

…………… greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man unclean”.


 Deceit and many other evils as listed in this scripture under reference, originate from inside of humankind. The bible says our hearts are deceitful above all things, Jeremiah 17:9. This condition of the heart is not from God but from Satan who received the authority to rule the world from Adam. He deceived his way to the top through Adam.  Adam had received the authority and dominion from God but on his free-will, handed-over everything to Satan. As a result, Satan is often referred to as the god of this world. He claims to own everything and can handover to whoever he wishes. One time he offered all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus Christ, if only he (Jesus) would bow down and worship him. See Matthew 4:8 and 9. Jesus did not dispute this claim by Satan because Adam had surrendered everything to him. Legally, Satan is the boss here, but thank God because soon he is going to lose everything to Jesus. The Lord Jesus bought back the kingdom (plus Adam) with his blood. It is only through Jesus that we can regain the kingdom. We have to accept the finished work done at the cross at Calvary.

Satan carefully used deceit to acquire all the power and authority from Adam and has continued to utilize the same lie because it is still working. He continues to terrorize men, women and children all over the world using his assistants: the demons. He is organized and has divided the world into territories and each has a ruler. Refer to Daniel and note,  “Prince of Persia" and  ”Prince of Greece"  Powerful demons who are able to fight with God’s angels and win  sometimes, see Daniel 10:13-21.

Until the satanic power is curtailed at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, at the battle of Armageddon, the devil will continue to cause havoc on earth. Thank God we have hope; Satan’s kingdom is coming to an end very soon.

PRAYER:  Maranatha (come Lord Jesus), AMEN.

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