Saturday 29 March 2014

Moloch Returns - Aborted Fetuses Burned For Fuel In UK Hospitals

March 28, 2014 | Tom Olago
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* Warning - some of the descriptions regarding abortion and child sacrifice used in this article are graphic *
An investigation by Channel 4s Dispatches recently reported on by The Telegraph has unearthed a shocking practice: over the last two years, more than 15,000 aborted babies were incinerated to heat UK (United Kingdom) hospitals, or burned alongside other rubbish. The incinerated babies were categorized as ‘clinical waste’ in the same way as used dressings and syringes. Some of this ‘clinical waste’ was then used in 'waste to energy' plants which were then used to provide heating for hospitals. 
UK Department of Health minister Dr Dan Poulter issued an instant ban on the practice, branding it ‘totally unacceptable’ and directed the Human Tissue to ensure that it acted on this issue without delay. The incineration practices were carried out by 27 NHS (National Health Service) Trusts. 
The investigation also found that parents who lose children in early pregnancy were often treated without compassion and were not consulted about what they wanted to happen to the remains. Mothers are just told that the babies’ remains have been ‘cremated’. The original cause of death is usually from miscarriages, stillbirths and abortions.
The fact that it took an investigation to discover and stop this practice is a sad indictment on the lack of human sensitivity to, and respect for, the memory of the dead or their loved ones. Worse still is the fact that these incinerations are organized or supervised by medical institutions that are trained to know and do better. And just when it seems like the abortionists and their cohorts in the medical profession could surely sink no lower, something as gruesome as this comes to light.
The practice may now have been officially stopped in the UK, but it is also reportedly prevalent in the U.S as well. According to “The bodies of aborted and miscarried babies is, like in Britain, classified as medical waste. Increasingly, this medical waste is used in “waste to energy” applications, much like in Britain. We also offer installations installing “waste to energy” devices billions of dollars in rebates and tax incentives and they are part of the EPA “Green Hospitals” program.”
These actions that convert “aborted babies to kilowatts” are reminiscent of the ancient sacrifices made to Moloch, the ancient pagan God of child sacrifice. Moloch (also known as Moloch) was one of the false gods that Israel would worship during its periods of apostasy. The worship of Moloch involved sacrifice of children, and is a form of demon worship forbidden in God's word in various scriptures, such as Jeremiah 32:35 which reads:
And they built the high places of Baal (Satan) which are in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Moloch, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. describes the procedure: The ancients would heat this idol up with fire until it was glowing, then they would take their newborn babies, place them on the arms of the idol, and watch them burn to death. 
Although the modern day scenario is more about incinerating dead babies, the similarities now and then still portray babies as being worth no more than so much rubble or rubbish, whether dead or alive.

In many cases, the steps leading up to the deaths of the aborted babies hardly provide better comfort. For instance, in the
partial birth abortion procedure (used after 20 weeks (4½ months) of pregnancy—often up to six months and later) the abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head. The abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the hole. The scissors are removed and a suction tube is inserted. The child's brain is sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed.
As cruel and inhumane as these abortion and incineration processes can get, the most horrific part of these baby destruction processes seems to be the disposal of babies following botched abortions. When these occur, babies still alive can often be burnt, dismembered or tortured in other ways, either separately or right alongside the ones presumed already dead.
The trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell in Pennsylvania and subsequent conviction in May 2013 is one of numerous such cases. Federal officials raided Gosnell’s abortion mill and found shelves of jars containing baby parts and whole fetuses. Some showed signs of having their spinal cords snipped at the neck, indicating that they were born alive and had to be killed. Operating tables and patient charts contained dried blood. 
Patients were sometimes overmedicated by unqualified staff. Workers were directed to insert scissors into the neck and snip the spinal cords if the baby showed signs of life. Sometimes the procedures caused a miscarriage into the toilet and one worker described seeing a baby trying to swim before it was held under the water to drown.
Such culprits as Gosnell are unfortunately just the last link in a chain of collaborators. Complicit in these nefarious activities are key actors including parents, relatives, doctors, nurses, senators, congressmen, lobbyists, Supreme Court justices and presidents. aptly summarizes: “This is what happens when a society loses faith. Humans lose their humanity. When that humanity is lost, society feels free to use humans in whatever way it perceives will generate the best Return on Investment. In order to justify abortion, the unborn had to be dehumanized. 
Many people have over time become so desensitized that they couldn’t care any less about the born or unborn. But their Creator certainly cares, and those who would hope they can get away unrepentant, with their callous and cruel acts and attitudes against babies will one day understand that one of the abominations that God hates are the “hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:17). 
The fate of the “abominable” is given in Revelation 21: 8: But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

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