Monday 3 March 2014


REFERENCE: Psalm 5:9 (NIV)

Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with destruction. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit.

COMMENT: The worst enemy of humankind is humankind itself. Think of the wars that have been fought in the world and the huge number of people that have perished; killed by fellow men.

During the First World War, Europe almost got rid of itself. An estimated figure of 50 million perished. Later, Stalin and Mao killed millions in the name of a philosophy called communism in Russia and China respectively. As I write this message people are killing others for various reasons in Syria, Egypt, Nigeria, South Sudan and Central Africa Republic (CAR).

Life is precious and all know that, and have tried in vain to install security. Lots of resources, financial, human and machinery have been used but unfortunately life continues to be lost. The bible in the scripture under reference, says “……their heart is filled with destruction “and “Their throat is an open grave”.

In all these activities, deception is key. Satan, the arch-enemy of God through the same deception, uses man to kill man. The aim is to get rid of man who is God’s creation in his own image. That way, the devil thinks he has defeated God but God in his own wisdom has allowed Satan to exercise his authority given to him by Adam in the Garden of Eden when he chose Satan as his god.  Satan is now referred to as the god of this world and that is how he calls the shorts but only up to what God allows. God does not interfere until he chooses to do so. Soon and very soon he is sending his son to stop all the killings and other things the enemy is doing. Let us look forward to that day.

The image of God we are created in, refers to the spirit that He placed in Adam at creation and ordered reproduction of more and more human beings. This is the greatest threat to Satan and he is worried about it.

Now that direct killings of fellow human beings, is considered crime against humanity, and is punishable by the world community, Satan has devised other methods using deception. He is controlling the world population growth through diseases like HIVAIDS, vaccination, abortion, tribal clashes and deceptions such as global warming , just to mention a few.  Global warming is dangerous because industries that provide jobs and a number of products we need, are closed daily in deception that they endanger the environment.

Do not be deceived!! Until the Lord Jesus Christ returns, man will continue to deceive and kill others in the name of defending themselves and what they believe.

PRAYER: God Almighty! Have mercy on all mankind.

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