Tuesday 4 March 2014


REFERENCE: Isaiah 53:9

He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.

This is a prophecy about the Lord Jesus Christ recorded by Isaiah the prophet as it was revealed to him by God during Isaiah’s ministry between 740 and 680 BC. Exactly what was   prophesied was literally fulfilled by Jesus when he came in Israel about 2000 years ago. Many bible prophesies have been fulfilled and it is adequate proof that the bible unlike all other religious books is inspired by God himself, as it claims in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Jesus Christ is the exact opposite to the Anti-Christ who is the master of deception. The Anti-Christ wins the hearts of many on arrival on the scene, due to his ability to negotiate for peace. All are crying for peace everywhere, even London the financial capital of the world.  He will also do miracles, even calling for fire from heaven. Many will follow him thinking he is the real Jesus Christ. The bible refers to him as the man of lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 because of the havoc he will cause in the whole world. He will kill more than Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Amin combined. The fundamentalist Muslims will look like school boys compared to him.  His real identity will be revealed later after causing untold suffering in the entire world.

The Anti-Christ will have an assistant whose title according to the bible is False Prophet, who will be a religious man. He will pretend to act like the Holy Spirit, but will glorify the Anti-Christ. This will complete the false trinity of Satan, Anti-Christ and False Prophet.

The False Prophet among other activities, will perform miracles. The Anti-Christ will be assassinated in the middle of his career, and the world will be shocked to see him raised from death by the False Prophet.  This will deceive more and more people. The believers in the world then, will be deceived and follow him. He will succeed in ecumenical movement which is busy today uniting all faiths. The World Council of Churches, Chrislam and such like organizations will have a field day.

Deception is the key in all these activities, and Jesus Christ is the only one to choose, because no deceit was found in his mouth according to the scripture under reference.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Awaken all the Christian leaders so that we can detect deception.  

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