Monday 17 March 2014


REFERENCE: 1 Peter 2:22(NIV)

He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.


It is only the Lord Jesus who committed no sin and no deceit was found in his life. He was fully God and fully human and he overcame the human weaknesses. He did not utter anything that was untrue. Everything he did or said had integrity and was consistent.

The world today is dominated by deception in most of the human activities. Kenya in now struggling with what has come to be labeled “ghost workers”. These are people who are not real but they draw monthly salaries. They are in the civil service and it is reported that they are paid a total of Ksh1.8 billion per year. It is a cartel by senior civil servants who register names in the payroll or retain names of those who die or retire. Salaries are sent to their bank accounts and are withdrawn every month. Well guarded deception is actively working in the civil service in Kenya and I guess it is happening in other countries as well. It is likely to be a well coordinated conspiracy. The problem is difficult to solve and it is worrying the leaders in the government.  The solution is not easy to come by, unless new ways of identifying every civil servant is put in place immediately. The need for PIN numbers to become part of the human body and cannot be removed or forged will become necessary. It will then be extended to other people everywhere and security will be cited as the most pressing problem.

In London, UK, there are street people. They are real people and I saw them with my eyes in summer of 1991. They are all over the city and they spend their nights in underground railway stations especially Oxford Railway Station. When we asked our lecturers at Cranfield University why Britain, a welfare state, was not concerned about their suffering, we received a shocking answer that they are “out of the system”. That they are not registered and so it is as if they do not exist.

To deny the existence of these street men and women roaming the streets of London, yet you can see them, is total deception to yourself and others. Where are the human rights champions who are fighting for rights which are actually not basic needs at all?

There are a hundred and one conspiracies in the world today and the world has somewhat accepted them as the truth. Take for example this global problem of debt. All countries in the world have borrowed money both externally and internally. Only a few people are asking  the basic question, “To whom do we owe the money?” In some countries, they erroneously think they owe it to themselves. This proves how they have been deceived. Unfortunately, they will soon wake up to find themselves without the basics needed, in order to live.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! We need the truth to set us free.

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