Wednesday 19 March 2014


REFERENCE: Hosea 10:2(NIV)

Their heart is deceitful, and now they must bear their guilt. The LORD will demolish their altars and destroy their sacred stones.


Prophet Hosea was referring to the Jews who were worshiping Satan instead of God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who gave them promises and fulfilled them, and also gave them the Ten Commandments. They were not supposed to forget God so soon but God knew the devil had deceived them. Hosea warned them that the LORD will not spare them; He threatened to demolish and destroy their altars and they would bear their guilt. The Jews were not ignorant of what the commandments say in regard to worshiping other gods, but deception from the evil one, was enticing.

Satan is powerful and has rewards to give to those who devote themselves to him. When tempting Jesus (see Matthew 4:9) Satan offered to give Jesus all the wealth in the world if he would bow down and worship him. Satan loves worship and gives a lot to his people. Imagine the wealth held by The Mormons, Illuminati members, and other secret societies’. This poses a challenge to true believers who watch Devil worshipers living in prosperity. Prosperity gospel can invite a lot of questions and even mislead some believers who may not know that Satan runs his own kingdom, and can reward those he owns, but with a string attached.

Christians need to pray and wait for God’s time and His wisdom. He knows what we need at a particular time. His rewards have no strings attached but may attract Satan’s attention and so temptations may increase. We have to be careful, prayerful and use our freewill with wisdom.

Christ asked what it would profit to gain the entire world and loose one’s soul. Eternal life is all we need. It does not matter how we suffer here on earth. We are here for only a short time, but in heaven, we shall live there forever and ever. Let us make free informed decision to receive Jesus as our personal saviour now.


 God Almighty! Release our inheritance both here and heaven.

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