Sunday 2 March 2014


REFERENCE: 1 John 3:7(NIV)

Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.     (he = Jesus Christ)


 As humankind, we are living souls and therefore, we have three faculties of the soul and that is: intellect, will and emotion. With our intellect, we can understand the message of God and with the will, we are capable of making choices and decisions.
The word “let” in the scripture under reference, means that we are able to decide to allow to be lead astray or not. First and foremost, we are capable of understanding the concept and take the most appropriate action. According to the emotion, we can easily know whether we are right or wrong.

Born again Christians, have their spirits activated and therefore able to control the soul. And that being the case, we can say no to anyone who may try to lead us astray. We are not to allow anyone, whoever they are, to deceive us. It does not matter whether they are our religious, political or business leaders. We shall be held responsible if we follow them blindly. We have the right to consider and compare whatever we see or hear. Everything must pass the test of the written word (BIBLE).

Seriously considering something, and coming up with an opinion is not an easy job. Many people try to avoid difficult things, and therefore are likely to accept whatever they hear.


PRAYER: Thank you Holy Spirit, for equipping us with "tools" to sort out the truth from deception.

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