Saturday 29 March 2014

Did World Vision Lose Their Vision?

March 28, 2014 | Debbie Smith
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“We bear witness to the redemption offered only through faith in Jesus Christ. The staff we engage are equipped by belief and practice to bear this witness. We will maintain our identity as Christian while being sensitive to the diverse contexts in which we express that identity.” 
The above words are taken from the Core Values of World Vision, one of the most highly rated and respected Christian relief organizations in the world. World Vision assists people in over 100 countries through sponsorship and other methods of assistance, to achieve improved quality of life, in the name of Jesus.
World Vision has historically required its employees to be “sexually abstinent if single and faithful within the covenant of marriage.” Those identifying themselves as homosexual have been required to be abstinent.
In an electrifying move, Richard Stearns, president of the U.S. branch of World Vision announced on March 24th that it would change its policy and allow “married homosexuals” to be employed by the organization. The U.S. branch office is located in Federal Way, Washington and has about 1.100 employees. Washington was one of the first states to legalize same sex marriage.
Mr. Stearns stated that he was seeking to “unify” Christian Churches with the move. He called the decision “a very narrow policy change that should be regarded as symbolic not of compromise but of unity.”
This change” will make our policy more consistent with our practice on other divisive issues. It also allows us to treat all our employees in the same way: abstinence outside marriage, fidelity within marriage,” stated Mr. Stearns in the Christianity Today interview.
Just forty eight hours later, World Vision reversed its decision to hire married homosexuals, acknowledging it “made a mistake.”
In their letter, Wednesday, Stearns and Jim Bere, board chairman, noted that many had come to them “in the spirit of Matthew 18 to express concern and love and conviction.” Mr. Stearns is here referring to Jesus’ teaching on how to confront sin in the church.
“We have listened to you and want to say thank you and to humbly ask for your forgiveness,” the letter says. “We ask that you understand that it was never the board’s intent to cause confusion and pain.” continued the leaders.
Opinions surrounding the policy change and subsequent reversal are divided between those who saw the decision as a departure from sound Christian doctrine and those who welcomed the result as more inclusive of diverging opinions among fellow believers.
Many evangelical Christian leaders voiced their opposition and criticism of the move by World Vision. Among these, Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritans Purse, declared that he was “shocked “at the decision.” Mr. Graham also questioned whether “supporting sins and sinful behavior can unite the church.”
Many supporters of World Vision have decided to withdraw support to the organization in the wake of this decision.
On the opposite end of the spectrum were” liberal evangelicals” who lauded the step as creating a more inclusive environment in the church.
Reacting to evangelicals who have suggested that Christians should withdraw their support from World Vision, Rachael Held Evans, an author and self styled liberal evangelical, writes,” Organizations don't get 'farewelled' for hiring divorcees. People don't get kicked out of their churches for struggling with pride or for not wearing head coverings when they pray. The notion that the way to 'punish' World Vision is to withdraw support from its efforts to feed, clothe, heal, comfort, rescue, and shelter 'the least of these' is so contrary to the teachings of Jesus – particularly Matthew 25:31-46-it's hard to know where to start."

Interestingly, Ms. Evans also, later redacted her impassioned statements admitting that perhaps she should have waited to respond when her emotions were not quite so heightened.
Clearly, the issue of same sex marriage and the church’s response to it is one of the most polarizing issues in the body of Christ today.
While the Bible clearly prohibits the practice of homosexuality, it does not single it out but the Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11, lists homosexuality along with adultery, theft, drunkeness, greed, and slander as sins that would keep us out of the Kingdom of God.(NIV)
The sacrifice of Jesus covers all sin and through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we can change behaviors, just as Paul reminded the Corinthian’s, “that is what some of you were.”
Jesus’ commands that love is to be the identifying mark of true Christians. Many Christians passionately feel that confronting sinners is unloving. Perhaps the definition of love has been altered in today’s church?
”Sometimes love requires us to tell the truth and oppose behavior that is harmful,” acknowledged Frank Turek of the Cross Examined Ministry.

Moloch Returns - Aborted Fetuses Burned For Fuel In UK Hospitals

March 28, 2014 | Tom Olago
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* Warning - some of the descriptions regarding abortion and child sacrifice used in this article are graphic *
An investigation by Channel 4s Dispatches recently reported on by The Telegraph has unearthed a shocking practice: over the last two years, more than 15,000 aborted babies were incinerated to heat UK (United Kingdom) hospitals, or burned alongside other rubbish. The incinerated babies were categorized as ‘clinical waste’ in the same way as used dressings and syringes. Some of this ‘clinical waste’ was then used in 'waste to energy' plants which were then used to provide heating for hospitals. 
UK Department of Health minister Dr Dan Poulter issued an instant ban on the practice, branding it ‘totally unacceptable’ and directed the Human Tissue to ensure that it acted on this issue without delay. The incineration practices were carried out by 27 NHS (National Health Service) Trusts. 
The investigation also found that parents who lose children in early pregnancy were often treated without compassion and were not consulted about what they wanted to happen to the remains. Mothers are just told that the babies’ remains have been ‘cremated’. The original cause of death is usually from miscarriages, stillbirths and abortions.
The fact that it took an investigation to discover and stop this practice is a sad indictment on the lack of human sensitivity to, and respect for, the memory of the dead or their loved ones. Worse still is the fact that these incinerations are organized or supervised by medical institutions that are trained to know and do better. And just when it seems like the abortionists and their cohorts in the medical profession could surely sink no lower, something as gruesome as this comes to light.
The practice may now have been officially stopped in the UK, but it is also reportedly prevalent in the U.S as well. According to “The bodies of aborted and miscarried babies is, like in Britain, classified as medical waste. Increasingly, this medical waste is used in “waste to energy” applications, much like in Britain. We also offer installations installing “waste to energy” devices billions of dollars in rebates and tax incentives and they are part of the EPA “Green Hospitals” program.”
These actions that convert “aborted babies to kilowatts” are reminiscent of the ancient sacrifices made to Moloch, the ancient pagan God of child sacrifice. Moloch (also known as Moloch) was one of the false gods that Israel would worship during its periods of apostasy. The worship of Moloch involved sacrifice of children, and is a form of demon worship forbidden in God's word in various scriptures, such as Jeremiah 32:35 which reads:
And they built the high places of Baal (Satan) which are in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Moloch, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. describes the procedure: The ancients would heat this idol up with fire until it was glowing, then they would take their newborn babies, place them on the arms of the idol, and watch them burn to death. 
Although the modern day scenario is more about incinerating dead babies, the similarities now and then still portray babies as being worth no more than so much rubble or rubbish, whether dead or alive.

In many cases, the steps leading up to the deaths of the aborted babies hardly provide better comfort. For instance, in the
partial birth abortion procedure (used after 20 weeks (4½ months) of pregnancy—often up to six months and later) the abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head. The abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the hole. The scissors are removed and a suction tube is inserted. The child's brain is sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed.
As cruel and inhumane as these abortion and incineration processes can get, the most horrific part of these baby destruction processes seems to be the disposal of babies following botched abortions. When these occur, babies still alive can often be burnt, dismembered or tortured in other ways, either separately or right alongside the ones presumed already dead.
The trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell in Pennsylvania and subsequent conviction in May 2013 is one of numerous such cases. Federal officials raided Gosnell’s abortion mill and found shelves of jars containing baby parts and whole fetuses. Some showed signs of having their spinal cords snipped at the neck, indicating that they were born alive and had to be killed. Operating tables and patient charts contained dried blood. 
Patients were sometimes overmedicated by unqualified staff. Workers were directed to insert scissors into the neck and snip the spinal cords if the baby showed signs of life. Sometimes the procedures caused a miscarriage into the toilet and one worker described seeing a baby trying to swim before it was held under the water to drown.
Such culprits as Gosnell are unfortunately just the last link in a chain of collaborators. Complicit in these nefarious activities are key actors including parents, relatives, doctors, nurses, senators, congressmen, lobbyists, Supreme Court justices and presidents. aptly summarizes: “This is what happens when a society loses faith. Humans lose their humanity. When that humanity is lost, society feels free to use humans in whatever way it perceives will generate the best Return on Investment. In order to justify abortion, the unborn had to be dehumanized. 
Many people have over time become so desensitized that they couldn’t care any less about the born or unborn. But their Creator certainly cares, and those who would hope they can get away unrepentant, with their callous and cruel acts and attitudes against babies will one day understand that one of the abominations that God hates are the “hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:17). 
The fate of the “abominable” is given in Revelation 21: 8: But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Population Control - By The Billionaires Club

March 20, 2014 | Debbie Smith
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Besides being billionaires, what do Warren Buffet, Ted Turner, George Soros, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Michael Bloomberg, and Oprah Winfrey have in common? They are all interested in controlling the world’s populations.

Ted Turner, the billionaire media mogul, has called for a 95% reduction in the world’s population through means such as Communist-style one child policies.

In China, these policies are enforced through taxes on subsequent children and intimidation programs which include secret police and so called family planning authorities. These authorities use methods such as kidnapping and forced abortion of pregnant women.
According to a recent article in The Christian Post, The world’s fourth richest man, Warren Buffet, has contributed millions of dollars to pay for abortions worldwide. In fact, in 2013, through his Buffet Foundation, he contributed millions of dollars to an organization that facilitated 1.2 million abortions last year.

Also, Buffet has contributed millions toward the dispensing of the abortion drugs misoprostol, mifopristone/misoprostol combination packs, and manual vacuum aspiration kits, particularly to rural and hard-to-reach consumers in developing lands.

Bill and Melinda Gates, through their Gates Foundation, have called for reducing the world’s population by 11%, or one billion. Gates has pushed for the so called “Billionaires Club” to adopt population control as their “Umbrella Project

Interestingly, American President, Barrack Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, launched  the  World Obama Global Health Initiative, which was merely an extension and expansion of the UN’s global population control program begun fifteen years earlier.
In addition to the aforementioned billionaires, other supporters of Obama’s Global Health Initiative (GHI) are the World Economic Forum, the Clinton Global Imitative, the UN Foundation, and International Planned Parenthood Federations.

These billionaires and leaders from these groups, have met secretly, several times over the past several years, in different locations, to develop” a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social, and industrial threat.”
What techniques might be being used to reduce population levels? The top three methods, according to some are; unsustainable and exploitative international development, leading to massive hunger, starvation, and worldwide famine, the fomentation of war and hatred, and finally, global pandemic, plague, and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.” These three would kill millions prematurely each year.

Other schemes include; the build up and use of nuclear, chemical and biologic agents, poisoning and contamination of food and water supplies, the use of deadly pharmaceuticals in society, and the spread of deadly viruses.

Bill Gates has revealed one of his alarming methods for decreasing population, the use of vaccines. In an interview with CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, in 2011, he stated that child sickness and deaths are not the only benefits of an extensive vaccine program, population control is an equally beneficial affect of a well funded vaccination program.

In 2014, it was reported that 47,500 Indian children were paralyzed due to a Gates sponsored polio vaccination program using a drug, no longer used in the US due to safety concerns and risk of paralysis.

In his book, “Killing Us Softly; Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy” author and researcher, Kevin Galalee reveals that since these de -population policies have been imposed, two billion births have been prevented, and 500 million premature deaths have occurred.
Unfortunately, this has not decreased population levels fast enough for the privileged, ruling elite. The goal for the future is to take a more “voracious toll as global population levels continue to rise”, according to Dr. Stanley Monteith, of

The environmental movement has been hijacked and is being used to promote the de-population agenda. Mans “carbon footprint” is said to be a major reason to reduce population and thus” save the planet.”

So what is the motive behind this desire to control the population growth of the world? Is it a truly altruistic and philanthropic desire to ease human suffering and protect the planet?
Or is it that these elite billionaires view themselves as better, more worthy, and superior to the average world citizen, who in their view, take up space and consume too many resources? Is this just the eugenics of the past revamped for today?

Could this be part of a larger Globalist agenda to promote a One World Government or New World Order?

God’s Word reveals that each life is sacred and unique to the Creator. Speaking of the Creator, Psalms 139:13 says” You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

Nowhere in the Bible does God tell man to limit the population of the Earth. In fact, God told Adam and Eve to populate and subdue the Earth. (Gen.1:28).  This does not neglect good stewardship of what God has given us but current efforts to depopulate the earth are contrary to God's intentions.

God’s plan has not changed and will be fulfilled. (Is. 55:11)


Church Hires JK Rowling To Rewrite The Bible January 21, 2014

January 21, 2014
The latest PR coup for Pope Francis has seen him hire famous and revered children’s author JK Rowling to rewrite the Bible.
It is hoped the author, most famous for her Harry Potter series, can make it more accessible and believable for a new generation of Catholics and Christians.
While the specifics of the rewrite are not yet known, it is believed Rowling is tasked with producing a compelling tale that young Catholics and Christians can engage with. Figures such as dementors and other popular creations may take the place of less realistic Biblical creatures such as unicorns and the leviathon.
“We are very happy Miss Rowling has agreed to the rewrite, we keenly await the first draft,” a Vatican insider told WWN.
Rowling’s selection has raised some eyebrows but the decision by Pope Francis to select the wildly popular author is mainly due to commercial concerns.
“The sales of the Jesus Christ action figure have dropped by over 200% in the last 10 years, we are in need of new, compelling and toy-friendly characters…like the dinosaur in Toy Story,” a source close to the Pope told WWN.
“Our revenue streams are shrinking so the more Hollywood-esque the better,” the source concluded.
Rowling has thus far remained tight lipped on her vision for the Bible and its merry band of characters but a number of Hollywood producers are in discussions to turn it into a movie.
In the last century many Christian leaders have offered revisions on the interpretations of many of the Bible’s passages but Rowling is expected to take a more drastic approach.
“Judas is probably going to wear a leather jacket and JK is toying with the idea of a nervous twitch or even an eye-patch. Also why have one book when can have more? She is thinking of splitting it up into 9, maybe 10 books” the author’s publicist shared with WWN.


REFERENCE: Ephesians 4:14 (NIV)

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.


Growing up spiritually is a process. When we receive Christ Jesus as our saviour, we begin a long journey toward maturity and we do not graduate until we pass on.

As humankind, we have to learn nearly everything hence taking years in childhood. In Christianity, it is the same.  The more quality time we spend studying the word and memorizing it, the better we shall become. Our mentors, the churches   we attend, and the mature Christians we fellowship together, matter very much in our growth.

The Bible is the word of God and it is the only book in the world that has recorded the most important information about where humankind has come from, what they are doing here on earth and where they are going. It is the manual by God on how man should conduct himself and how he should relate to others.

The Liberal Theologians claim that the Bible is just like other books written by human beings  and it  has errors that should be corrected. They do the correction adding and subtracting according to whatever they know and subscribe to. Some of their ideas come from the theory of evolution which classifies animals and human beings the same. They do not want to accept the fact that man is made in the image of God and so different from animals. Liberal theologians can be likened to a medical doctor who does not believe the information contained in the main book he uses everyday in his work. This is a high level of dishonesty and therefore, it would be dangerous to be treated by such a doctor.

The mainstream churches today are full of liberal theologians who do not openly declare their stand. They live and operate hidden and in deception. They easily fall away and therefore discredit the church.

Your word and you are the same. To state something in a court of law and then immediately disown your word is called perjury and is a serious crime which may land you in jail. The bible in 2 Timothy 3:16 clearly affirms that “All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.


 Holy Spirit! Keep us away from craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

Friday 21 March 2014


REFERENCE: 2 Corinthians 11:13 (NIV)

For such men are false prophets, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ.


The whole world is full of false apostles and the only way you can know them is by inspecting the fruits they produce. According to Matthew 7:15-16 we have the authority to “watch out for false prophets…………by their fruit you will recognize them”. The same chapter of Matthew 7, a warning is given to those who judge others. I am not a judge, but I have the authority to recognize them by the fruit they produce. By its fruit, I will obviously tell what kind of tree, it is.

Let me look at one religious organization but I will not name it for fear of retaliation. The “church” or "system" is global and many Christians call it Babylon the great as per book of Revelation chapter 18 in the bible. The followers of this so called church are in excess of one billion in the world. It is run like a secret society and it is efficient and  powerful. It is one of the richest organizations in the world yet claims to be poor. 

One wrong teaching is calling Mary, “mother of God”. God has no mother and does not need one. There is no mother in heaven as well. The bible does not teach this kind of theology and therefore it is not acceptable. Gender issues are not heavenly. This “church” discourages its members reading the bible for fear that they may discover the truth.

The organization has targeted protestant churches in an effort to unite with them in areas they have something in common. That is how their white cookie called sacrament has found its way to good churches full of believers who are unfortunately deceived. The white cookies are made in secret places and are dedicated to Satan.

Recently, the head of the “church”, told the world that hell is not real. His gone predecessor had said the same, only a few years ago. It is a serious deception that will mislead many for a long time and lead them to the place they are told does not exist.  
Anyway, God will take care of the deceivers.

When asked about homosexuality, this head of the “church”, did not offer guidance. He said, “Who am I to judge?”  The bible expects him to inspect the fruits of the persons involved in the behavior, and call the behaviour what it is. The media is calling his reply, wisdom.


 Holy Spirit! Change the organization soon.

Wednesday 19 March 2014


REFERENCE: Hosea 10:2(NIV)

Their heart is deceitful, and now they must bear their guilt. The LORD will demolish their altars and destroy their sacred stones.


Prophet Hosea was referring to the Jews who were worshiping Satan instead of God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who gave them promises and fulfilled them, and also gave them the Ten Commandments. They were not supposed to forget God so soon but God knew the devil had deceived them. Hosea warned them that the LORD will not spare them; He threatened to demolish and destroy their altars and they would bear their guilt. The Jews were not ignorant of what the commandments say in regard to worshiping other gods, but deception from the evil one, was enticing.

Satan is powerful and has rewards to give to those who devote themselves to him. When tempting Jesus (see Matthew 4:9) Satan offered to give Jesus all the wealth in the world if he would bow down and worship him. Satan loves worship and gives a lot to his people. Imagine the wealth held by The Mormons, Illuminati members, and other secret societies’. This poses a challenge to true believers who watch Devil worshipers living in prosperity. Prosperity gospel can invite a lot of questions and even mislead some believers who may not know that Satan runs his own kingdom, and can reward those he owns, but with a string attached.

Christians need to pray and wait for God’s time and His wisdom. He knows what we need at a particular time. His rewards have no strings attached but may attract Satan’s attention and so temptations may increase. We have to be careful, prayerful and use our freewill with wisdom.

Christ asked what it would profit to gain the entire world and loose one’s soul. Eternal life is all we need. It does not matter how we suffer here on earth. We are here for only a short time, but in heaven, we shall live there forever and ever. Let us make free informed decision to receive Jesus as our personal saviour now.


 God Almighty! Release our inheritance both here and heaven.

Tuesday 18 March 2014


REFERENCE: Jeremiah 17:9(NIV)

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?


 When God created man, He mixed His Spirit with clay mold and as a result the man became a living soul. An example is given of mixing powder with water and as a result getting ink i.e. two entities becoming one and completely different from the original two. On separating the same ink, you revert to the original powder and water. Ink will disappear completely. This is exactly what happens when the Spirit of God is separated from the human body at death. The living soul disappears.

The soul is made up of intellect, emotion and will. Man (soul) therefore, is composed of freewill given to him by God on creation and God hardly interferes with man. He allows the man to choose the way to go; to obey Him or Satan. God in his wisdom did not intend to create puppets He would control their movements. He planned to have creatures made in his own image, who would love Him by choice.

This freewill or freedom is good because it makes humankind independent. Self-determination is a basic human need, and when violated we are reduced to the level of animals. Man will always fight for self-determination when he senses he is denied. Human rights which is guaranteed in modern constitutions in all democracies in the world today, is meeting this basic need in humans.

Freewill as basic, and as human as it is, can easily be abused when making choices and that is exactly what Adam did in the Garden of Eden.  With his wife Eve in the  Garden, they deliberately chose to disobey God’s simple instruction not to eat fruits from the tree of knowledge. When they did eat the fruit, following the deception by Satan, they surrendered all the authority and dominion received from God. They handed over all the power to Satan and that is how humankind ended up becoming deceitful in their hearts above all things. Deception became like their mother tongue in the same way Satan is.

Satan having messed up everything on taking over from Adam, God, in His wisdom planned a way to rescue man from the dominion of Satan. He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to pay the debt of sin which came to humankind through Adam.  Jesus became the second Adam and through Him, we have a way out. The only requirement is a second birth by receiving Jesus Christ in your heart.

The same freewill must be exercised in choosing to accept Jesus and His work at the cross at Calvary, Jerusalem. God will not violate your human right in choosing which way to go, although it is not His will to see His creation suffer and later go to Hell.


Thank you JESUS, for your salvation. 

Monday 17 March 2014


REFERENCE: 1 Peter 2:22(NIV)

He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.


It is only the Lord Jesus who committed no sin and no deceit was found in his life. He was fully God and fully human and he overcame the human weaknesses. He did not utter anything that was untrue. Everything he did or said had integrity and was consistent.

The world today is dominated by deception in most of the human activities. Kenya in now struggling with what has come to be labeled “ghost workers”. These are people who are not real but they draw monthly salaries. They are in the civil service and it is reported that they are paid a total of Ksh1.8 billion per year. It is a cartel by senior civil servants who register names in the payroll or retain names of those who die or retire. Salaries are sent to their bank accounts and are withdrawn every month. Well guarded deception is actively working in the civil service in Kenya and I guess it is happening in other countries as well. It is likely to be a well coordinated conspiracy. The problem is difficult to solve and it is worrying the leaders in the government.  The solution is not easy to come by, unless new ways of identifying every civil servant is put in place immediately. The need for PIN numbers to become part of the human body and cannot be removed or forged will become necessary. It will then be extended to other people everywhere and security will be cited as the most pressing problem.

In London, UK, there are street people. They are real people and I saw them with my eyes in summer of 1991. They are all over the city and they spend their nights in underground railway stations especially Oxford Railway Station. When we asked our lecturers at Cranfield University why Britain, a welfare state, was not concerned about their suffering, we received a shocking answer that they are “out of the system”. That they are not registered and so it is as if they do not exist.

To deny the existence of these street men and women roaming the streets of London, yet you can see them, is total deception to yourself and others. Where are the human rights champions who are fighting for rights which are actually not basic needs at all?

There are a hundred and one conspiracies in the world today and the world has somewhat accepted them as the truth. Take for example this global problem of debt. All countries in the world have borrowed money both externally and internally. Only a few people are asking  the basic question, “To whom do we owe the money?” In some countries, they erroneously think they owe it to themselves. This proves how they have been deceived. Unfortunately, they will soon wake up to find themselves without the basics needed, in order to live.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! We need the truth to set us free.

Sunday 16 March 2014


REFERENCE: 1Peter 2:1(NIV)

Therefore rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.


Get rid of all deceit as well as the other sins especially the ones mentioned above. You cannot confront a sin you do not understand. We have to ask for wisdom from God in order to understand deception, especially these last days when anything is happening. Kenya, like many other countries in the world, is currently facing several giants of austerity measures, corruption, terrorism, tribal animosity, ghost workers, rising cost of living and massive unemployment.  Deception is sometimes used all over the world in explaining what is happening. The citizens of the world are disturbed and do not know what to do.

Other problems or sins are not as difficult to understand as deceit. Deceit is able to cover itself and remain hidden. Satan uses deception more than any other vices mentioned because it is easier to reach many goals within a short time and with minimal monetary cost.  As mentioned earlier, if a lie is still working, no need to invent a new one.

If an issue, for example homosexuality is discussed and mentioned many times, in the media and other forums, the human mind will start to tolerate it. That is the way the devil likes it.

The Lord Jesus Christ in his discussion, with his disciples as recorded in Matthew 24, orders that we must not be deceived. That means we have the ability to accept or reject deception otherwise our Lord would not demand that we reject what is not true. The Holy Spirit is able to help us to discern but will not force us to stop believing a lie, because we have the freedom to choose i.e. free-will given at the beginning when Adam was created. The devil also has the same freedom even to attack humankind, but only for a short time.  God will not violate his ways or take orders from anybody.


 Holy Spirit! Please give us understanding and wisdom that comes from you.

Saturday 15 March 2014


REFERENCE: Romans 3:13 (NIV)

Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips.


 The scripture under reference is a quotation from the word of God in the bible. It means that deceit is a daily activity among the Jews as well as the Gentiles. We are made of the same clay and we have corrupted the life (Zoe), God installed in us.  Satan legally took over all the power and authority from Adam and that gave Satan the title “god”of this world. This is not a small matter.

The solution to this problem of sin is to overthrow Satan’s dominion by surrendering to the Lord Jesus. Satan is now in trouble because of salvation humankind are receiving daily. The atoning blood of the Lord Jesus was accepted in heaven 2000 years ago and on Christ’s return, Satan will be locked in a bottomless pit and later he will go to his place in the lake of fire, to burn forever.

Our hearts practice deceit and this is compared to snake’s poison. Our throats are compared to graves. This means that no one is righteous, hence our need for a redeemer who is both man and God. Reconciliation is possible only through Jesus Christ who was fully man and God. He is the only righteous one who made it possible for us to become righteous. We are promoted to the rank of saint while on earth. What the Church of Rome teaches that you become a saint when you have died after doing lots of works, is deception. All you need is salvation (second birth) through the blood of Jesus Christ.

The righteousness we have is that of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave us the power to become the children of God (not just a creation of God). It is his righteousness not ours that counts: we have no righteousness at all. And because of Jesus’ righteousness we become saints while on earth.

The ultimate goal will have been achieved when we are changed to be like him. We shall dwell with Jesus forever in the new City of Jerusalem which will rest on the new earth. People will be coming in and going out of the city which has twelve gates. I suppose these people coming in and going out will be the Jews.


 Holy Spirit! Teach us more and more every day.

Thursday 13 March 2014


REFERENCE: Romans 1:9 (NIV)

They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips…………..


 Deceit and all these characters in the above scripture under reference, are common everywhere today, more than they were when Paul was writing this letter to the Romans. Today, people call sin weakness, instead of calling it what it is. These are not just sins; they are demons; powerful spiritual beings able to destroy humankind. In the past and even currently, the spirit of murder in a large scale has invaded Russia, China, Germany, many African countries and the Middle East and eliminated millions of people. Satan hates human beings even those who love and serve him. The fact that we cannot touch him or test his existence physically, makes us think and conclude he does not exist.

The scripture under reference, states that man is full of deceit and all the vices mentioned. Deceit is the greatest weapon used by Satan and has done great damage to Christianity for a long time. The climax will be witnessed soon when the man of lawlessness (Anti-Christ) will be revealed. He will achieve his goals through deception.

Satan does not need to invent new lies as long as the old ones are working. He makes counterfeits. He changes something you already know, just a little and the entire meaning changes completely. You cannot make counterfeit if the real thing does not exist. For example, you cannot make a counterfeit two-dollar note because a real one does not exist.

Satan is the accomplished deceiver and uses physical beings to achieve his goals. There are so many organizations totally committed to Satan but you can hardly detect unless God gives you the ability to discern. The bible says we should not judge people, but we are permitted to inspect the kind of fruits they bare. If their fruits are full of deception and the other vices mentioned in the above scripture, we cannot help but reject them and keep away.


 As born-again Christians, we are the children of God and our Father reveals what His kids need to know.  REVEAL!

Wednesday 12 March 2014


REFERENCE: Acts 13: 10 (NIV)

You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?

Mankind is not only physical but also spiritual. When God created us, He installed His spirit in us and that is how we became living beings. Our bodies are physical and therefore can be seen, touched and be detected by all the five senses. Our bodies also respond well to the environment. The other side of mankind, is spiritual and although responds to the spiritual environment, the physical side may not always notice.

Witchcraft, devil worship, fortune telling and other such activities are real and can affect us. Their results can affect us but the sources are almost impossible to clearly detect and understand. Paul a man of God appointed to preach to the Gentiles, had the spiritual gift to discern the spiritual world. He could see the condition of Elymas the sorcerer, who was opposing him, hence his announcement that he (sorcerer) was “a child of the devil, enemy of everything that is right, full of all kinds of deceit and trickery.”

The sorcerer was full of all kinds of deceit and trickery and these are names of actual demons able to cause havoc on earth. Paul could see them clearly in the spirit. He knew he had a problem in his hands and therefore he had to take an extraordinary action in the open for people to see and honour God. The bible in Acts 13:9 states that Paul full of the Holy Ghost looked straight at Elymas. He then announced what he could see in the spirit and said what would happen to the sorcerer. The sorcerer immediately lost his sight. Those around, glorified God.

We have been given a lot of power. Mark 16:17-18 among other things, states that in the name of Jesus, all those who believe, shall drive out demons, pick up snakes with hands, drink deadly poison and will not be harmed. All these spiritual powers are ours, for the asking, in faith. Our problem unlike Paul, is lack of faith.

We are capable of doing exploits in the world and win many believers but our problem is lack adequate faith.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Increase my faith.

Monday 10 March 2014


REFERENCE: Mark 7:22 & 23 (NIV)

…………… greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man unclean”.


 Deceit and many other evils as listed in this scripture under reference, originate from inside of humankind. The bible says our hearts are deceitful above all things, Jeremiah 17:9. This condition of the heart is not from God but from Satan who received the authority to rule the world from Adam. He deceived his way to the top through Adam.  Adam had received the authority and dominion from God but on his free-will, handed-over everything to Satan. As a result, Satan is often referred to as the god of this world. He claims to own everything and can handover to whoever he wishes. One time he offered all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus Christ, if only he (Jesus) would bow down and worship him. See Matthew 4:8 and 9. Jesus did not dispute this claim by Satan because Adam had surrendered everything to him. Legally, Satan is the boss here, but thank God because soon he is going to lose everything to Jesus. The Lord Jesus bought back the kingdom (plus Adam) with his blood. It is only through Jesus that we can regain the kingdom. We have to accept the finished work done at the cross at Calvary.

Satan carefully used deceit to acquire all the power and authority from Adam and has continued to utilize the same lie because it is still working. He continues to terrorize men, women and children all over the world using his assistants: the demons. He is organized and has divided the world into territories and each has a ruler. Refer to Daniel and note,  “Prince of Persia" and  ”Prince of Greece"  Powerful demons who are able to fight with God’s angels and win  sometimes, see Daniel 10:13-21.

Until the satanic power is curtailed at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, at the battle of Armageddon, the devil will continue to cause havoc on earth. Thank God we have hope; Satan’s kingdom is coming to an end very soon.

PRAYER:  Maranatha (come Lord Jesus), AMEN.

Thursday 6 March 2014


REFERENCE: Zephaniah (NIV)

The remnant of Israel will do no wrong; they will speak no lies, nor deceit be found in their mouths. They will eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid.

This prophesy by Zephaniah the Jewish prophet, about his people the Israelite has not yet been fulfilled. Like many promises made to the Jews, it will be fulfilled during the millennium, when real peace brought by the Lord Jesus Christ, the true Prince of Peace, will have destroyed the Anti-Christ and his assistant the False Prophet in the battle of Armageddon. Satan will have been tied up and thrown into the bottomless pit, for the duration of the millennium i.e. 1000 years.

The remnant of the Jews who will have been protected in caves in Petra (south of the Israel), will be released to dwell in the land their father Abraham was given by God. The time of unusual   peace mentioned several times in the bible will be experienced in the entire world that time. “People will learn war no more,”   and even animals will not hurt one another, nor harm humankind. The world climate will be tropical everywhere. Famine or any type of suffering will be unknown. Death and disease will be no more.

 The Lord Jesus Christ will rule the world from Jerusalem and will be assisted by the saints who will have returned with him from heaven. The saints are all the people who died believing and those who were ruptured.  They will have been given bodies like that of Jesus himself in order to rule with him. . They include all who believed and died before Jesus gave his life for humanity. All will be there including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their bodies will be different from the Jews who will have been protected in Petra. Those from Petra will be the same as we are today. They will reproduce and by the end of the millennium the world will likely have billions of people, because there will be no death all that long. It will be like the time of Adam up to the flood.

During the war of Armageddon, humankind will be wiped out by the Anti-Christ who will be fighting the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, when the war ends, nobody will have survived except the Jews hidden in Petra caves.  Look at the verse under reference and note that, they will, “eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid.”  It is dangerous to live in Israel today because of terrorism and it will be even worse under the Anti-Christ when he will demand that the Jews worship him as God. He will attack and kill them, but before exterminating them, the remnant,will run to Petra and be protected there until the end of the great tribulation and the beginning of the millennium.

 God Almighty save our souls today and forever; Amen!