Monday 19 May 2014


REFERENCE: Genesis 15:18, 17:8

On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, Euphrates”. Gen 15:18

“The whole land of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give you as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God”. Gen 17:8


Many wars have been fought and many lives lost in the world because of disputes emanating from land. The land as an asset is always appreciating in cost because it is the single source of livelihood. The three most basic human needs God has promised to provide; food, water and clothing (Matt.6:31) come from land. To sustain life, land must be available and it in plenty but a lot of sentimental value is attached to it hence the conflicts.

The current land held by the Jews is too small compared to what the Arabs around them are holding. The Jews recovered it through war and maintain it by war. Several wars have been fought and many lives lost in these 66 years the state of Israel has existed. The sustenance of the tiny Jewish state is a miracle considering the numerous enemies from every side. Hostility surrounds them from all the boarders except the Mediterranean Sea. Thank God the friendly sea has favored the country with plenty of gas and possibly oil.

The enemy of Israel is not only Islam, but also some Christian groups teaching that God has replaced the Jews with Christians. Others want to dominate Jerusalem in order to usher in the Anti-Christ and control the land. The devil knows the land was given to the Jews not for the usual   99 or 999 years but for eternity.

The land now available to the Jews is too small compared to what God gave them initially; but it is just for a short time. Please note that the land was given to Abraham and his descendants as an everlasting possession. See Genesis 17:8. The promise is for those who are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. Anybody outside the linage mentioned is excluded. That is why the Bible repeatedly refers to Jehovah God, as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The twelve tribes of Israel are the sons of Jacob whose other name is Israel. See Genesis 49: 1-28 and Revelation 7:5-8.

The proof that God has given the land under reference to the Jews; at the end of the age and the beginning of eternity; the New Jerusalem will bear the names of the twelve tribes of Israel on their gates. (See Revelation 21:12). The City (New Jerusalem) alone will occupy an area almost the size of Europe or Africa.

Let the reader note that the Jews will not take the allocated land now during the prevailing hostility in the world. The millennial kingdom of 1000 years which comes soon after Armageddon will end before the New Jerusalem is ushered in. The written word of God will have to come to pass whether we like it or not.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Let this information be understood by more and more people especially Christians for whom the scriptures were written.

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