Tuesday 20 May 2014


REFERENCE: Rev 20: 7-8

When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth – Gog and Magog – to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand of the seashore.


Deception is the single weapon Satan uses to get rebels to follow him willingly and deliberately after rejecting God. The next action after rejection of the master is to take up arms and attack the Lord Jesus Christ. The deception is so powerful it blinds the minds of billions living on earth during the millennial kingdom where they will have experienced Utopian rule of the Lord Jesus Christ (Theocracy). The urge to exercise their human rights, self determination, independence and all that goes with innate freedom of choice, which is freely granted by God, makes them decide they do not need God’s government but some other method of leadership. Satan then takes over and deception continues.

Without thinking twice, the masses of people gathered for battle. The Lord Jesus who has ruled them from Jerusalem for 1000 years has suddenly become an enemy as a result of deception. These billions of people born during the millennium have become nations and they are all over the earth. They are prosperous – lacking nothing. The suffering and even death are unknown during this time. Peace prevails everywhere because the Prince of peace is on the throne.  Satan is nowhere on earth. He is locked up in prison but God in his wisdom will release him for a short time to test those born during his (Satan) imprisonment. God would not like to force anybody to go to heaven if it is not their wish.

In the exercise of their freedom of choice, many “marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them”. Rev 20:9

That is the end of the billions who chose the wrong master and followed him. Death was their predicament. This freedom of choice is a very serious matter in human life yet many of us do not take it that way. Many are therefore lost in pursuit of the freedom of choice. They start well but finish very badly. Consider the case of King Solomon who began with a lot of wisdom but finished with the same amount of foolishness. That is how human beings are but there is hope in the blood of Jesus Christ which is able to wash all sins including murder.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! I choose today, to hold on to you, until the end.

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