Friday 16 May 2014


REFERENCE: Genesis 4:26

Seth also had a son, and named him Enosh.  At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord.

 Calling on the name of the Lord means praying. The scripture under reference today means that at a particular time in history of man on earth, prayer to the Almighty God began. It is evident that before that, no organized prayer was going on. Prayer has to be learnt. It is not an instinct. John the Baptist had to teach his disciples and so the same to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord’s Prayer is a verbatim quotation to Christ (See Matthew 6:9-13).

Adam and Eve were still living when prayer began and because of the many years they lived, it appears they were still having children. The world population was growing and so the common social problems were also increasing. In view of these changes, the people had realized they could not tackle the hardships without God. It was clear they needed another stronger and spiritual hand. They began to worship and consult God.

Involvement of God in all our activities except sin is a must if we are to be sustained. This universe is His and therefore He cannot be left out.

PRAYER:  Thank you God Almighty because you care about us and your will is that we get born again. Teach us to evangelize. 

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