Friday 16 May 2014


REFERENCE: Psalms 2:9, Revelation 2:27, 12:5

You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery. Ps.2:9

He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery. Rev.2:27

She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. Rev 12:5

 At the beginning of his presidency, Barack Obama remarked that he was not born in a manger but in a scepter (Refer to YOU TUBE: Obama deception). He used the word scepter which means an iron rod usually carried by Military Officers to indicate their position of authority. It can be likened to the sword of authority handed over to the incoming president during the inauguration ceremony. The above scriptures from both New and Old Testament refer to the same word scepter indicating authority and power.

Jesus Christ as the Lord of lords and King of kings will carry the scepter to demonstrate his authority and he will also use it to affirm his leadership which cannot be challenged. His system of government will be Theocracy not democracy. He will be a type of a king not an elected leader who has limited period of time to lead. He will be installed by God himself and his kingdom will last forever. Jesus will get his orders from heaven.

Theocracy, unlike democracy, means government by God for his people. God owns all the people on earth, the earth itself and everything on it. He does not need to consult anybody. He has absolute power and authority, and being God, he cannot be corrupt. In democracy we say, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely but this is not the case with Jesus Christ who is God himself.

The Lord Jesus Christ will establish his rule (Theocracy) during the millennium (1000 Years) on this present earth and it will begin immediately after the battle of Armageddon. In this battle of all battles, he will defeat all his enemies who will be in an attempt to over throw him and establish the kingdom of Anti-Christ.

Having defeated all his enemies and sent them to the lake of fire, the Jews who will have been protected somewhere, will be released. They will be the only people on earth at that time and they will take over everything and be lead by the Lord Jesus Christ from his command post in Jerusalem. He will be assisted by the Old Testament and raptured saints who will be posted all over the world. Their resurrected bodies will be like that of their master the Lord Jesus.

Theocracy will be the order of the day. Democracy, although it is the best way of governing and leading, in the world today, has problems. Philosophers have agreed that if people could get a good dictator, he would make the best leader but unfortunately, such a person does not exist anywhere.

In Theocracy, there are no elections because they are not necessary. The Lord will appoint his governors and other administrators and post them all over the world. He will make his decisions from Jerusalem and as he will have supernatural powers, communication will not at all be a problem. Problems as we know them today will be non-existent. It will be a time of unknown prosperity and peace. People will see remarkable differences between Theocracy and democracy. Death and diseases, wars and violence will be forgotten completely. Billions and billions of healthy men and women will go to and fro all over the world. The knowledge of God will be in plenty in the hearts of all.

Billions of people born during the millennium will not have had a chance to be tempted by Satan because he will have been locked up in a bottomless pit (See Rev 20:2-3). God is full of justice and therefore he will allow the people to choose either to continue to follow Jesus or Satan. He will allow Satan a short time to test them. The bible says many will choose to follow Satan and gather around Jerusalem. They will attempt to overthrow the Lord Jesus Christ but fire will come from heaven and devour them (See Rev 20:9).

Immediately after this, the great white thrown judgment will commence. All will be judged according to how they related to Jesus Christ. All those who rejected him will not be forced to enter heaven but to hell with Satan whom they chose. To those who embraced Jesus, they will join him in the New Jerusalem (heaven). Then, everlasting Theocracy will begin there and then in the kingdom of God.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Continue to teach us to EMBRACE our saviour Jesus Christ.

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