Saturday 3 May 2014


In 1967, a diving accident left Joni Erickson Tada paralyzed from the neck down. 

She has had no feeling or movement in her arms or legs. She uses her mouth to paint and write. 

God used her greatly. 

She has been a great witness for God and an encouragement to many. 

She has written many books, the first one was her autobiography "Joni." She has visited 35 countries sharing the Gospel. 

A movie about her life has been translated into 15 languages. 

In fact, it is very likely that God has graciously used Joni far more as a paralyzed woman than if she had never had the accident. 

God turned her mourning into joy. 

Surely, with God's powerful words you can overcome any fears, frustrations, and regrets. 

Everyday meditate your memory verse. 

Start memorizing just one verse and grow from there. 

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