Friday 2 May 2014


Hi it's Hezekiah, here and I have a confession to make. 

After being a Christian for over 16 years, going through battles over battles, there were times I
 have doubted God. 

Especially those moments when I needed Him the most but I can't feel His presence. 

I cried out loud and it feels like He turned deaf ear. 

Sometimes I wonder "Lord, are you still there?" 

"Am I still in your son?" 

Yes, I doubted God many times. 

But what I realized is this, those moments are growth pains. 

I believe we all go through that "doubting moment" one way or another. 

Gideon doubted God. 

Thomas doubted God. 

Sarah and Abraham laughed at God's promise. 

But in the end they all transformed from "doubting" to "believing." 

That's right. Those experiences of doubt usually lead to a deeper faith. 

Another way to develop deeper faith in God is through scripture memorization and meditation. 

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