Wednesday 14 May 2014


REFERENCE: James 4:3

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on pleasures.


This message of prayer was preached by our pastor last Sunday 11 May 2014 and the scripture under reference touched me in a powerful way. I realized I have been praying with a wrong motive so that what I get, I spend it on my pleasures.

The words, “that you may spend what you get on your pleasures”, hit me so hard, I felt foolish, bitter and ashamed. It took me some time to recover from what was almost a shock. I considered the powerful words and I agreed I was wrong in my motives and therefore I needed to change immediately. I planned to confess the wrong motive and discard the evil spirit involved. I then went ahead and confessed and then requested God to bless the teaching ministry that I am involved in.

It is more than twenty years since I discovered that my spiritual gifts are knowledge and teaching. I know beyond any shadow of doubt that God has appointed me to acquire knowledge and then to package it and present the same to the audience.

In view of what I have learnt, I do not mind whether God blesses me materially or not. My first and most important duty is to study and then teach. God through His grace has granted me the opportunity to use the internet which is free. I have become a watchman for God and through blogging; I am reaching about 250 people per month mainly in Kenya and the US. I will reach more when my blogs become more popular and I get connected to more people in my church.


 I confess the sin of wrong motive. I have decided I do not need big cars and big houses. All I need first and foremost are signs and wonders in ministering, in order to be different from all other preachers. My main aim is to build strong faith in God’s people and that way win more for Jesus.

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