Thursday 22 May 2014


This is an open letter to a former US Vice-President and global warming guru Mr. Al Gore. The title of this letter is “The new earth and the new heaven”.( Heaven here means universe.) The good news is that both the earth and the universe will soon be renewed.

Your concern for the “slow and sure damage” of the earth which your colleagues fondly call “mother earth” and having watched your documentary entitled “An Inconvenient Truth” prompted me to write this open letter to you to explain that you need not worry because a new earth in coming very soon.

The bible is a unique book that states with authority about where the human race originated, what it is doing here, and where it is heading. All this has been stated clearly and simply for all to understand. About two thousand years ago, the following words were written in the book:-

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. Revelation 21:1.

This means that there is a new home – a final dwelling place for all those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour and Lord.

The heavenly home is characterized in the following way:-
1.     Safe-deposit for treasures. Matthew 6:20
2.     Contains a register of the believers. Luke 10:20
3.     There is room for all believers. John 14:2
4.     The glorified Christ entered there. Acts 7:55-56
5.     The home is built by God himself. 2 Corinthians 5:1 and Hebrews 11:10
6.     The redeemed of all nations will assemble there. Revelation 7:9
7.     Obedience is the condition for entrance. Revelation 22:14


 God Almighty! Please put interest in all people so that they can read and understand the unique book – The Bible.

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