Friday 9 May 2014


REFERENCE: Luke 9:23-25(NIV)

Then he said to them all, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self.

The word anyone in verse 23 includes all born again Christians. Jesus was addressing his disciples and what he was asking is that all without exception must deny themselves. The word “must” means without option or choice but have to obey the order given. Jesus is the Lord and his order must be obeyed. It is always, “Yes, Sir! You are not supposed to say no if the order is from the Lord.

The word “deny” in the same verse, means saying no to the flesh (human desires). The flesh will say, ‘I want ……” The answer to this statement is, you won’t have it. Then the flesh will continue to say, “I think’”. The answer should be, “The bible says………..”.

“Take up his cross daily and follow me”. The cross to take is not the physical wooden or other materials carried by some religious people. It is also not the cross men get themselves nailed on during Easter to demonstrate how religious they are. These are legalistic acts meant to move God but originate from lack of knowledge and understanding. God in not, at all moved. Only some people are fooled.

According to the scriptures under reference, Jesus expects us to forget about our human rights and accept that we do not have to survive. We do not have to strive, quarrel, murmur, criticize, fight back or be selfish. Such mean actions are not part of our weapons. We are forbidden from using such deadly arsenal. Let the people against you go ahead and destroy you. I know how difficulty such a thing is, but our Lord gives us no alternative. He says he will defend us, himself. His godly advice is that we should not fear those who can only kill the body and nothing else.

An example is given of a striving and fighting couple. Any wife or husband, who is a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, does not have to survive. Let your opponent crucify you. Just follow the Lord through the gate, out of the city, up on the hill and let them crucify you.

This world is not our home. We are heading home and it does not matter even if we arrive with scars. The Lord Jesus Christ arrived there with scars and he is still carrying them today. He was given the name that is above all names on arrival. TAKE HEART!!

PRAYER: Jesus Christ! We want to follow your example. We are coming home soon.

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