Friday 2 May 2014


REFERENCE: Matthew 6:13
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

 An encounter with Satan is a common and daily activity on earth and mankind has to struggle with it. The Lord Jesus as a man here on earth, had to face Satan before he started his ministry. He was tempted but he did not sin. He made his decision not to accept any gifts from the evil one. He was offered the whole world if only he could bow down and worship him (Satan). Despite the fact that Satan was able to give away the world to anybody he wished, Jesus simply told him, it is written, ”Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only”.

Satan will always tempt man and this is the reason why in the Lord’s Prayer we are urged to ask God not to lead us into temptation. Not that God tempts people, not at all; but he allows us to be tempted and when we are through, we are strengthened.

In these three incidents of Jesus’ temptation (Matt.4:1-10), Jesus quoted the relevant scriptures and finally he was able to chase Satan away. The word of God is a two edged sword able to destroy the enemy. It is an offensive weapon and will always achieve your goal when used properly in faith.

Satan will always entice people with gifts. He does not invent new lies if the old one is still working. He knows the easiest way to get hold of God’s people and mislead them completely. Two experienced pastors in Kenya were secretly offered good money by devil worshipers and they knowingly and gladly accepted. Perhaps they thought they would pray over the money and God would accept it. They did not know it was a trap to kill them.

On their way to their home town about 150 kilometers away, they were involved in a road accident and both died. On receiving the bad news, their congregation was shocked. They prayed for the pastors to rise from the dead but God did not honour their prayers. The dead were then buried and forgotten. Only God knows where they are now.

Let us remember to always ask God to keep us away from temptation and when he allows the trials to come, then to provide an escape route.

PRAYER:  God Almighty! Have mercy on us always.

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