Saturday 3 May 2014


I know you will agree with me that training up a child or a grandchild in today’s world is not an easy task. 

As Christian parents and grandparents, we want our kids to be polite and socially wise. 

Now, the flesh is difficult to train all by itself.  But add to that the negative influence of today’s society, and you have one tough job on your hands! 

I have found that the best tool for teaching my children to be polite and considerate of others is to teach them God’s Word. 

Yes, I know they hear the Word in Sunday school and in the church worship services, but I know that my children’s flesh needs constant reminding of God’s principles. 

What better way to keep the Word of God with them at all times than to help them memorize key verses that will give them instruction? 

One good place is start in in Luke 2:52, “And Jesus grew in wisdom, and in stature, and in favour with God and man.”  Jesus behaved in a socially acceptable and wise manner. 

Other key verses will teach specific habits that will help your children deal with daily life.   For example, Proverbs 15:1 says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” 

When your children memorize this verse and rehearse it often, its truth will begin to be part of their character, and they will find that it helps them avoid arguments when they obey its wisdom. 

Memorizing God’s helpful Word does not have to be a burden or a difficult chore. 

God’s Word is the tool you need for raising polite children who are capable of handling the social pressures around them.

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