Tuesday 6 May 2014


REFERENCE: Romans 11:25-26
…………….Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved……………..

 Jesus Christ was born a Jew and all his disciples were Jews. The first Christians were also Jews. Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi and will come back, “in the same way you have seen him go into heaven”. Acts 1:11

God has not yet done away with his people the Jews. He has no intention of replacing them with born again Christians. So called replacement theology is completely wrong and misleading. Christians are grafted to the main tree which is the Jews. The grafted tree does not take the place of the tree it is grafted to. God has made very important and permanent promises to the Jews and the covenants are forever. (Forever means in all eternity).  He has a good purpose and a goal to achieve through the children of Israel.

God has preserved the Jews for more than 3,000 years and has made it possible for them to retain their identity. They have a language (Hebrew) which almost died but is now revived and the population of Israel now 6 .5 million,speak the language and transact all businesses in it. Great and big nations have come and gone leaving only a trace but no people to be seen. The ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans have come and established mega kingdoms and empires but they have all disappeared. Some have left behind written languages like ancient Greek and Latin but there are no human beings who speak or claim these languages as theirs.

The Jews are different and unique because God has a good reason for doing that. The reason is supernatural and Satan knows that. He has tried in vain to thwart God’s plan by persecuting and killing them. Think of the holocaust in Europe in the 1940s where six million were exterminated in the most brutal manner.

In AD 70, the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem and the Jewish temple. The Jews were taken away as slaves and got scattered all over the world. Others were massacred and their land had no people living there for a long time. After the holocaust, in May 1948, the Jews came back to their land in a miraculous way. It is 66 years this year since they returned home. They have fought many wars in order to survive and their country is prospering in spite of all the opposition from Arab and Muslim neighbors.

The future of the nation of Israel is given prominence in Revelation 7:5. The 12 tribes of Israel are mentioned by name and it is indicated that 144,000 are sealed. This gives them a very special position in heaven. In the same book of Revelation 21: 12, on the gates of the New Jerusalem will be written the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. The foundations of the city will be written the names of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ who were all Jews.

During the millennium kingdom, the nation of Israel will receive rewards and all the promises made to the forefathers will become a reality. They will also see the Lord Jesus Christ and accept him as the Lord and Saviour. He will be their King forever.

To underrate the Jews amounts to taking God for granted. The Jews cannot be replaced by any group of people and to teach that Christians have replaced them is a lie direct from hell.
PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Re-educate the believers who are buying into this demonic lie.

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