Thursday 29 May 2014

The New Technologies That Will Change Human Civilization As We Know It

May 20, 2014 | Maciamo Hay
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Where are technologies heading in the next 30 years ? How will they affect our lifestyle and human society ?

Most adults alive today grew up without the Internet or mobile phones, let alone smart phones and tablets with voice commands and apps for everything. These new technologies have altered our lifestyle in a way few of us could have imagined a few decades ago. But have we reached the end of the line ? What else could turn up that could make our lives so much more different ? Faster computers ? More gadgets ? It is in fact so much more than that.

Technologies have embarked on an exponential growth curve and we are just getting started. In 10 years we will look back on our life today and wonder how we could have lived with such primitive technology. The gap will be bigger than between today and the 1980's. Get ready because you are in for a rough ride.


Ray Kurzweil, Google's director of engineering, predicts that by 2029 computer will exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to that of a human, and that by 2045 computers will be a billion times more powerful than all of the human brains on Earth.

Once computers can fully simulate a human brain and surpass it, it will cause an "intelligence explosion" that will radically change civilization. The rate of innovation will progress exponentially, so much that it will become impossible to foresee the future course of human history.
This point in time is called the singularity. Experts believe that it will happen in the middle of the 21st century, perhaps as early as 2030, but the median value of predictions is 2040.

Let's start with cognitive computing. IBM's Watson computer is already capable of reading a million books a second and answering questions posed in natural language. In 2011 Watson easily defeated former champions Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings at the TV game show Jeopardy!, reputedly one of the most difficult quiz competitions in the world. Watson's abilities are not merely limited to finding the relevant facts and answers. It can also make jokes and clever puns.

Most remarkably, Watson can provide better medical diagnostics than any human medical doctor, give financial advice, as well as generate or evaluate all kinds of scientific hypotheses based on a huge amount of data. Computer power increases in average 100 fold every 10 years, which means 10,000 fold after 20 years, and 1 million fold after 30 years. Imagine what computers will be able to do by then.

The X Prize Foundation, chaired by Peter Diamandis, co-founder of Singularity University in the Silicon Valley, manages incentived competitions to bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity.

One of the current competitions, the Nokia Sensing XCHALLENGE, aims at developing a smartphone-like device that can test vitals like cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate or allergies, analyze your DNA for genetic risks, diagnose medical conditions, and predict potential diseases or the likelihood of a stroke.

All this without seeing a doctor. The device could be used by you or your relatives anywhere, anytime. All this is possible thanks to highly sensitive electronic sensors and powerful AI.

Google is working on an AI that will be able to read and understand any document, and learn the content of all books in the world. It will be able to answer any question asked by any user. This omniscient AI will eventually become people's first source of knowledge, replacing schools, books and even human interactions. Just wonder about anything and the computer will provide you with the answer and explain it to you in a way you can easily understand, based on your current knowledge.

Once AI reaches the same level of intelligence as a human brain, or exceeds it, intelligent robots will be able to do a majority of human jobs. Robots already manufacture most products. Soon they will also build roads and houses, replace human staff in supermarkets and shops, serve and perhaps even cook food in restaurants, take care of the sick and the elderly. The best doctors, even surgeons, will be robots.

It might still be a decade or two before human-like androids start walking the streets among us and working for us. But driverless cars, pioneered by Google and Tesla, could be introduced as early as 2016, and could become the dominant form of vehicles in developed countries by 2025.

The advantages of autonomous cars are so overwhelming (less stress and exhaustion, fewer accidents, smoother traffic) that very few people will want to keep traditional cars. That is why the transition could happen as fast as, if not faster than the shift from analog phones to smartphones.Robo-Taxis are coming soon and could in time replace human taxi drivers. All cars and trains will eventually be entirely driven by computers.

AI will translate documents, answer customer support questions, complete administrative tasks, and teach kids and adults alike. It is estimated that 40 to 50% of service jobs will be done by AI in 2025. Creative jobs aren't immune either, as computers will soon surpass humans in creativity too. There could still be human artists, but artistic value will drop to zero when any design or art can be produced on demand and on measure by AI in a few seconds.

Once computer graphics and AI simulation of human behaviors become so realistic that we can't tell if a person in a video is real or not, Hollywood won't need to use real actors anymore, but will be able to create movie stars that don't exist - and the crazy thing is no one will notice the difference !


3D printers are the biggest upheaval in manufacturing since the industrial revolution. Not only can we print objects in three dimensions, they can now be printed in practically any material, not just plastics, but also metals, concrete, fabrics, and even food. Better still, they can be printed in multiple materials at once. High-quality 3D printers can copy electronic chips in the tiniest detail and have a functional chip.

High-tech vehicles like the Koenigsegg's One:1 (the world's fastest car) or EDAG's Genesis are already being made by 3D Printing. Even houses will be 3D-printed, for a fraction of the costs of traditional construction.

In a near future we won't need to go shopping to buy new products. We will just select them online, perhaps tweak a bit their design, size or colour to our tastes and needs, then we will just 3D print them at home. More jobs going down the drain ?

Not really. Retail jobs were already going to be taken by intelligent robots anyway. The good news is that it will considerably reduce our carbon footprint by cutting unnecessary transport from distant factories in China or other parts of the world. Everything will be "home-made", literally. Since any material can be re-used, or 'recycled' in a 3D printer, it will also dramatically reduce waste.

3D printing is also good news for medicine. Doctors can now make customized prosthetics, joint replacements, dental work and hearing aids.


The other advances in robotics, AI, 3-D printing and nanotechnologies all converge in the field of bioengineering. Human cyborgs aren't science-fiction anymore. It's already happening.

◾There are artificial hand with real feeling controlled directly by the brain thanks to a nerve interface converting electric impulses in the nervous system into electronic signals for the robotic prosthesis. From that point on, any improvement is possible, like this drummer who got an extra bionic arm.

◾Electronic membranes can keep the heart beating forever.

◾Microchips implanted into the brain can restore vision in blind people and hearing in deaf people. Soon such chips will allow bionic humans to see and hear better than humans in their natural state. Equipped with one of these, humans will be able to see ultraviolets and infrareds, hear ultrasounds like dogs, echolocate like bats, and perhaps even eventually understand animal languages, including the whale vocalization. The potential for improvements is unlimited.

◾We are on the verge of developing telepathic abilities. Placing microchips on the brains of two individuals, then connecting them with one another through the internet, one person can hear what the other hears directly in their brains. Studies with rats went further. Microchips implanted in their motor cortices effectively caused one rat to remotely control the movements of the another rat in a separate room.

◾Neural prostheses have been used to repair a damaged hippocampus inside a monkey's brain, and could be used in a near future to repair various types of brain damages in human beings too.

◾Robotic exoskeletons like Iron Man will augment our physical capacities tremendously. The advantage of these exoskeletons is that they can be easily removed and don't require permanent changes to our body.

Researchers at Stanford University are currently working on Stickybot, a gecko robot capable of climbing smooth surfaces, such as glass, acrylic and whiteboard using directional adhesive. It's only a matter of time (years, not decades) before a gecko suit enables humans to climb buildings like Spiderman. And what next ?


Regenerative medicine offers even more promises than artificial limbs and body parts. What if instead of having a robotic arm, you could regrow completely your original arm ? Sounds impossible ? It isn't. Lizard regrow their tails.

Axolotls regrow severed legs. We now understand how they do it: stem cells. These pluripotent undifferentiated cells have the power to repair any body part. Using organ culture, stem cells can regrow any organ as fresh as new through. In the future it will be possible to regrow limbs or organs directly on a person, as if the body was simply healing itself.

Combing 3-D printing and stem cell regeneration paves the way to the printing of human organs, a field known as bioprinting (read articles on the topic in New Scientist and The Economist).


Genetics has progressed tremendously too over the last 15 years. From the sequencing of the first full human genome in 2003, we have now entered the era ofpersonal genomics, gene therapy and synthetic life, and could be approaching the age of genetically enhanced humans.

Gene therapy is perhaps the most revolutionary of all the medical advances, as it will effectively allow to fix any disease-causing gene and to engineer humans that are better adapated to the modern nutrition, life rythmn, and technology-dominated lifestyle.

Not only will all diseases and neuropsychological problems with a genetic cause disappear, but humans will also become more resistant to stress, fatigue and allergens, and could choose to boost their potential mental faculties and physical abilities, creating "superhumans". This is known as transhumanism.

Gene therapy also permits genetic modifications for purely cosmetic reasons, such as changing one's skin, hair or eye pigmentation. Gene therapy can be done over and over again, switching back or refining earlier modifications if necessary, just as one would edit text on a computer.

Once the human genome is fully understood, we could even imagine applications that let people customize their physical appearance of a virtual avatar of themselves, then transcribe these changes to their DNA. This is the age of customizable humans, or rather the age of customizable life forms.


Ecologist Dickson Despommier of Columbia University came up with the idea of using skyscrapers in New York for agricultural production, eventually founding theVertical Farm Project. The virtues of vertical farming are manifold. Food can be produced in optimal conditions inside purposely-built skyscrapers, maximizing the amount of sunlight for photosynthesis.

By controlling the inside temperature, and the amount of water and nutrients each plant receives, indoor farming can produce crops year-round ultiplying by a factor from 4 to 6 the productivity compared to traditional farming.

What's more all this is possible without using pesticides since skyscrapers are a closed ecosystem of their own, free of insects or rodents. Additionally, vertical farms free up agricultural land, which in turn prevents deforestation and allows for reforestation and the safeguard of the environment.


Ironically it is the extreme success of the capitalist economy that will lead to its demise. The very nature of competitive markets that drives productivity up and brings marginal costs down, eventually to near zero, will make goods and services nearly free much sooner than we think.

Accelerating factors include Moore's law of exponential growth in digital technologies and the fast development of 3-D printing. The Internet alone has already had a huge impact in providing billions of people around the world with an amazing range of free services, including for example online higher education such as Khan Academy.

The first step is providing free ultrafast Internet to all the world. Google and Facebook are both working on different ways of achieving this, starting with developing countries where Internet connections are extremely sparse today, notably in Africa. Google's Project Loon plans to acheive this by launching high-altitude balloons into the stratosphere, while Facebook wants to build flying drones and satellites to beam Internet around the world.

5G mobile networks (coming around 2020) will be so fast (downloading a full HD movie in one second) that cable Internet connections will disappear. The merger that is under way between TV, computers, tablets, smartphones and game consoles will very soon result in a single universal type of device being used everywhere, all connected via 5G networks.

In other words, telephone, cable TV and Internet Service Providers will all go out of business, as all TVs and phones will be connected through free mobile networks.

By 2035, humanity is likely to have achieved free electricity for all the world, mostly thanks to the exponential efficiency and decreasing prices to harness solar energy, but also thanks to 4th generation nuclear reactors and later fusion power.

The Internet of Things will connect all the electric and electronic devices in the world and optimally manage energy supply through a smart-grid known as the Enernet, expected to become a reality around 2030.

Over the coming decades the economy is going to be transformed by the rise of theCollaborative Commons, i.e. peer production coordinated (usually with the aid of the Internet) into large, meaningful projects mostly without traditional hierarchical organization. Almost any consumer product will be downloadable online and 3-D printed at extremely low cost at home, which ultimately will lead to the end of capitalism and the start of an unprecedented era of abundance, as Peter Diamandis of Singularity University convincingly explains in his remarkable book.


As amazing as all this seems, keep in mind that all these advances in bioengineering, genetics, robotics and 3-D printing are barely the what is being developed now and will become available to us within the next decade (horizon 2025). This isn't the singularity yet. Once the singularity has been reached, in 25 to 40 years, this is when everything will change beyond our wildest dreams (or nightmares).

Monday 26 May 2014


REFERENCE: John 14:2-3, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52

In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:2-3

Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 1 Corinthians 15: 51-52


 It is true the word rapture does not appear in the Bible. Anyway, it is lack of understanding and also stubbornness to dismiss “the event” which appears in the bible for more than ten times just because the word rapture does not appear. The event is prominently implied and explained.  It is a popular prophesy yet to be experienced in the near future.  It will come to pass before the Anti-Christ (man of sin) is revealed or in the middle of his seven year rule. It will be witnessed by the whole world because millions of born again Christians will disappear without trace and billions will be left behind. DON’T BE LEFT BEHIND!

The religious groups, scientists and political leaders will have a difficult time to explain what has happened when the rapture takes place. Religious leaders who claim heaven or hell do not exist will have to find ways to explain but as they are in touch with Satan, a supernatural explanation will be ready. Political leaders are likely to dismiss the disappeared Christians as irresponsible.

Jesus Christ in the gospel of John chapter 14, has assured his followers that he went away to prepare a place for them. He was comforting them and added that they knew the way to the place, he was going. He went on to explain that he is the way. He did not stop there; He said he is the truth and also the life. Nobody can get there without going through him. That means that you cannot enter there even through a close relative of Jesus.  No other human being or institution of any kind can take you there.

The rapture is for both the living and the dead as long as they know the Way, the Truth and the Life. That is the Lord Jesus Christ who, first and foremost, they must believe in, and trust him for salvation.

A trumpet will sound and in the twinkling of an eye, the dead will be raised imperishable and the living will be changed. In view of this, not all the living must pass through death. A popular song among the Bantu tribes in Kenya that all human beings must die at one time is not true. Two men have passed on without dying and their names are known. They are Enoch and Elijah. See Gen. 5:24 and 2 Kings 2:11-12.

Those left behind will have to go through suffering known as the great tribulation, during the brief rule of the Anti-Christ. They will be forced to receive the mark of the beast on their hand or forehead. The rejection of the mark of the beast (electronic identification number planted in the skin) will lead to inability to buy, sell or transact any business. This will be terrible suffering for Christians left behind and as if this is not enough, capital punishment by cutting off their heads will follow. That is the only way to heaven where the Lord Jesus Christ will be waiting for the new arrivals and will live with him for eternity.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Convict us so that we can accept and receive Jesus Christ as our personal saviour.           

Thursday 22 May 2014


This is an open letter to a former US Vice-President and global warming guru Mr. Al Gore. The title of this letter is “The new earth and the new heaven”.( Heaven here means universe.) The good news is that both the earth and the universe will soon be renewed.

Your concern for the “slow and sure damage” of the earth which your colleagues fondly call “mother earth” and having watched your documentary entitled “An Inconvenient Truth” prompted me to write this open letter to you to explain that you need not worry because a new earth in coming very soon.

The bible is a unique book that states with authority about where the human race originated, what it is doing here, and where it is heading. All this has been stated clearly and simply for all to understand. About two thousand years ago, the following words were written in the book:-

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. Revelation 21:1.

This means that there is a new home – a final dwelling place for all those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour and Lord.

The heavenly home is characterized in the following way:-
1.     Safe-deposit for treasures. Matthew 6:20
2.     Contains a register of the believers. Luke 10:20
3.     There is room for all believers. John 14:2
4.     The glorified Christ entered there. Acts 7:55-56
5.     The home is built by God himself. 2 Corinthians 5:1 and Hebrews 11:10
6.     The redeemed of all nations will assemble there. Revelation 7:9
7.     Obedience is the condition for entrance. Revelation 22:14


 God Almighty! Please put interest in all people so that they can read and understand the unique book – The Bible.

6 Charismatic Doctrines That Should Be Retired

May 20, 2014 | J. Lee Grady
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I will never apologize for being a charismatic Christian. I had a dramatic experience with the Holy Spirit many years ago, and nobody can talk me out of it. I love the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence in my life and His supernatural gifts. I love to prophesy, speak in tongues, pray for the sick and see people changed by the Spirit’s power.

At the same time, I’m aware that since the charismatic movement began in the 1960s, people have misused the gifts of the Spirit and twisted God’s Word to promote strange doctrines or practices. Seeing these errors never caused me to question the authenticity of what the Holy Spirit had done in my life. But I knew I had to stay true to God’s Word and reject any false teachings I encountered.

My simple rule is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22: “But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil” (NASB). In other words: Eat the meat and spit out the bones.

As I have traveled throughout the body of Christ in recent years, I’ve experienced the good, the bad and the ugly. I love God’s people, and I know there is a healthy remnant of Spirit-filled churches that are striving to stay grounded in biblical truth. But I also know we have reached a crossroads. We must clean up our act. We must jettison any weird doctrines we might have believed or practiced that are hindering our growth today.

Here are a few of the worst errors that have circulated in our movement in the past season. You may have others that need to be added to this list. I believe we are grieving the Holy Spirit if we continue to practice these things:

1. "Touch not My anointed." Chances are you’ve heard this weird doctrine based on 1 Chronicles 16:22. In an attempt to discourage any form of disagreement in the church, insecure leaders tell their members that if they ever question church authority, they are “touching the Lord’s anointed” and in danger of God’s judgment. Let’s call this what it is: spiritual manipulation. It creates worse problems by ruling out healthy discussion and mutual respect. Church members end up being abused or controlled—or even blacklisted because they dare to ask a question.

2. Dual covenant. We charismatics love and respect Israel. Some of us even incorporate Jewish practices in our worship—such as wearing prayer shawls, blowing shofars or celebrating Hebraic feasts. These things can enrich our Christian experience—but some leaders go too far when they begin to teach that Jews don’t need to believe in Jesus Christ to experience salvation. They imply that Jews have special access into heaven simply because of their ethnic heritage. This is a flagrant contradiction of everything the New Testament teaches.

3. Inaccessible leadership. In the 1980s, some charismatic ministries began to teach pastors and traveling ministers that in order to “protect the anointing,” they must stay aloof from people. Ministers were warned to never make friends in their congregations. Preachers began the strange practice of skipping worship on Sunday mornings—and then appearing on the stage only when it was time for the sermon in order to make a dramatic entrance. Shame on these people for attempting to justify arrogance. Jesus loved people, and He made Himself available to them. So should we.

4. Armor-bearers. The same guys who developed item No. 3 started this strange fad. Preachers began the practice of surrounding themselves with an entourage: one person to carry the briefcase, another person to carry the Bible, another to carry the handkerchief. Some preachers hired bodyguards … and even food-tasters! The armor-bearers were promised special blessings if they served preachers who acted like slave-owners. Reminder: True leaders are servants, not egomaniacs.

5. The hundredfold return. Before his death in 2003, Kenneth Hagin Sr., the father of the faith movement, rebuked his own followers for taking prosperity teaching to a silly extreme. In his book The Midas Touch, he begged preachers to stop misusing Mark 10:28-30 to suggest that God promises a hundredfold return on every offering we give.

Hagin wrote, “If the hundredfold return worked literally and mathematically for everyone who gave in an offering, we would have Christians walking around with not billions or trillions of dollars, but quadrillions of dollars!” Hagin taught that the hundredfold blessing refers to the rewards that come to those who leave all they have to serve God in ministry.

6. Money cometh. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for giving money publicly to be seen by others. Yet in the 1990s, some charismatics got the wild idea that God would release a magical blessing if we would drop wads of dollar bills at the preacher’s feet while he was in the middle of his sermon.

Leroy Thompson of Louisiana popularized this flamboyant practice with his infamous 1996 sermon, in which he encouraged people to shout in King James English, “Money! Cometh to me now!” Then the people would run to the front of the auditorium to pour cash into his coffers. The money came, for sure, and more cash-hungry preachers jumped on the bandwagon. Taking an offering became a form of exhibitionism, and Christians began viewing their offerings like lottery scratch-offs.

God requires holiness not just in our behavior but also in our doctrine. Let’s discard these and any other foolish teachings that have brought confusion and dishonor to the body of Christ.

Hating The Jew You’ve Never Met

The ADL’s massive Global 100 survey of worldwide anti-Semitic attitudes, published Tuesday, offers some sobering statistics. Some 1.1 billion adults harbor anti-Semitic views. In the Middle East, 74 percent of adults agreed with a majority of the survey’s 11 anti-Semitic propositions, including that “Jews have too much power in international financial markets” and that “Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars.”

The complexities uncovered by the study are fascinating and important. They include, for example, the jarring discovery that 52% of Germans and Austrians believe Jews talk too much about the Holocaust — but also that young Germans and Austrians are shedding their parents’ anti-Semitic attitudes.

The number of Germans holding such views dropped steeply from 33% among those over 50 to 15% among those under 34, and among Austrians from 41% to 12%. The German-speaking world is simultaneously growing tired of hearing about the Holocaust and more accepting of Jews.

We find similar complexity in the discovery that Britain, a hub of global efforts to delegitimize the Jewish state, is nevertheless one of the least anti-Semitic countries in the world, while Greece, Israel’s newfound regional ally, is one of the most.

And while the Internet has toppled tyrants and created new opportunities for openness and development in the Muslim world, Internet use is also a significant factor in a Muslim becoming anti-Semitic. The prevalence of anti-Semitic views grew by some 20 percentage points among Muslims who get their news primarily online compared to those who get their news from television, newspapers or even religious leaders, the study found.

These are valuable insights, and the survey offers many others.

Yet the study shines not in the details, but in its sweeping international perspective. In interviewing over 53,000 people in 93 languages across 102 countries and regions, the survey pieces together a global picture of the web of stereotypes and hatreds through which a significant swath of humanity views the Jews.

It enables us to go beyond the narrow confines of each nation’s politics and prejudices and think more deeply about the phenomenon and the essential question that lies at its root: Why do they hate us?

The question is put into sharp relief by the finding that fully 27% of people who have never met a Jew nevertheless harbor strong prejudices against him. Or, indeed, that a huge majority, 77%, of those who hate Jews have never met one. Even more starkly, the survey found an inverse relationship between the number of Jews in a country and the spread of anti-Semitic attitudes there. As a general rule, the fewer the Jews in a particular country, the more numerous the anti-Semites.

This should not surprise us. We already understood that anti-Semitism is skyrocketing in precisely those parts of the world where Jews fled from or perished in the last century, primarily the Middle East and Eastern Europe. But by giving numbers to these beliefs, the study allows us to think more carefully about the sources of the phenomenon.

A wrench in the works

No anti-Semitism has been better studied than that of modern Europe. It is there that we learned how little anti-Semitism has to do with the actual living Jews who are its subject, and how much with the ideological and social tensions that torment the anti-Semites themselves.

For 19th- and 20th-century Europe, the Jews were anomalies.

In an age of consolidating national identities, of the birth of “Germanness” and “Polishness” and other national movements, the distinctive duality of Jewish identity as both a religion and a quasi-ethnic peoplehood resisted easy national categorization, and thus called the immutability and authenticity of the new national identities into question.

What does it mean to be a German nationalist, wrapped in the imagery of the Volksgemeinschaft and imagining oneself the heir to an ancient, ennobling, and ultimately biological national community, when one’s Jewish neighbor demonstrates that it is also possible to be at once German and something other than German?

By straddling the boundaries of national identity, by sharing “Germanness” with his German neighbors and “Jewishness” with coreligionists in far-flung lands, the Jew’s very existence belied and endangered the organic immutability and exclusivity that nationalists sought from their new identities.

At its most extreme, this tension was the reason the Nazis made the eradication of the Jews a fundamental war aim. As Adolf Hitler indicated years before the Holocaust, in “Mein Kampf,” the Jews weren’t murdered for being different, but for being dangerously, indistinguishably similar, for implying by their very existence that the borders of “Germanness” are permeable, and thus, perhaps, not as real and innate as the romantic nationalist would like to believe.

In their unwanted role as the ubiquitous Other through two centuries of Europe’s struggles to understand itself, the Jews served as a kind of canvas onto which Europeans projected their own national insecurities and dilemmas.

It’s not about the Jews

Thus we find in the ADL survey that the two statements most affirmed by Greek anti-Semites – indeed, by a vast majority of Greeks – are “Jews have too much power in the business world” (85%) and “Jews have too much power in international financial markets” (82%). Battered by the global financial havoc of the past few years, Greeks have attached a human face to the actual, amorphous source of their suffering.

Similarly in Britain, the sixth-least anti-Semitic country in the survey, few people view the Jews as exceptionally evil or duplicitous – except when it comes to the Middle East. The two sentences that found the most agreement among Britons were “Jews have too much control over the United States government” (19% agreed) and “Jews are more loyal to Israel than to this country” (27%).

This questioning of the loyalty of British Jews is actually growing among the young — perhaps a sign that it is growing on the political left. Less than a quarter (24%) of Britons aged 35 and older agreed that British Jews are more loyal to Israel, compared to more than one-third (34%) among Britons aged 34 and younger.

These high figures are remarkable precisely because there is so little prejudice against Britain’s Jews in other areas. Just 12% say Jews have too much control in the global financial markets (the Western European average is 34%). Just 7% agree that “people hate Jews because of the way Jews behave” (Western European average: 22%).

It is not hard to draw a connecting line from Britain’s post-colonial guilt over the Middle East and the surprisingly high prejudices expressed about British Jews on that subject alone.

The Arab world may be the most startling example of this projection of national insecurities onto the Jews. The survey offers dramatic evidence that none of the reasons usually given to explain the astronomical levels of anti-Semitism in the Arab world — Islam, political tensions, the experience of war — are sufficient.

While huge majorities of Middle Easterners (74% region-wide) were found to hold anti-Semitic views, it is significant that the two least anti-Semitic peoples among the 18 polled were the two non-Arab ones. Over half of Iranians (56%) and two-thirds of Turks (69%) hold anti-Semitic views, but that still compares favorably to the whopping 82.5% average among the 16 Arab states surveyed.

Among all Muslims (Arabs included), less than half (49%) are anti-Semitic.

In some places, such as Eastern Europe, Muslims are less likely to be anti-Semitic (20%) than Christians (35%), while the Middle East’s Christians are much more likely to be anti-Semitic (64%) than non-Middle Eastern Muslims.

Political tensions also don’t offer a clear-cut explanation. Iran’s government, controlled by Holocaust deniers and viewed by Israel as its number-one enemy, rules a population far less anti-Semitic than Saudi Arabia, which proposed the Arab Peace Plan with Israel and whose geopolitical interests align closely with those of the Jewish state.

It is not surprising, considering the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that the Palestinians are the most anti-Semitic people in the world (94%); it is surprising that anti-Semitism is more widespread in Algeria (87%), Iraq (92%) and Morocco (80%) than in Lebanon (78%), though only the latter can offer ongoing conflict as an explanation.

Arab hatred of Jews is thus not explainable as a function of Muslim religious affiliation (Arab Christians are more anti-Semitic than non-Arab Muslims), by political friction (Iranians are less anti-Semitic — 56% — than Jordanians — 81%), or by the actual experience of conflict (Moroccans and Algerians are more likely to hate Jews than Lebanese).

Is it too much to suggest, then, that the Arabs’ problem with the Jews is not actually about the Jews, but about the Arab world’s own struggles with modernity, identity and political dysfunction?

Blessedly disinterested

Of course, there is good news, too. The ray of light in the dismal findings — and it is a powerful beam indeed — is the English-speaking world, where just 13% hold anti-Semitic views.

While Laos took the prize as the world’s least anti-Semitic country, with less than 1% expressing such views, it is far more remarkable that only 9% of Americans did the same. After all, the United States is the only country outside Israel that is home to millions of Jews. And American Jews, unlike their brethren in Europe or Asia, are visible, cacophonous, politically engaged and unabashedly influential.

In a world where the Jews serve as convenient foils for every sort of identity crisis and social tension, there is something hopeful about the way in which the Jews of America don’t appear to symbolize or evoke anything of note in the imaginations of their compatriots.

Perhaps Americans are less imaginative in their prejudices, or simply have a comparatively benign attitude toward what it means to be American. Either way, from the perspective of the Jewish experience highlighted in the ADL’s remarkable study, and bearing in mind that some three-quarters of the Jews outside Israel live in the United States, America’s blessed disinterestedness in the Jewishness of its Jews is cause for celebration.

Tuesday 20 May 2014


REFERENCE: Rev 20: 7-8

When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth – Gog and Magog – to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand of the seashore.


Deception is the single weapon Satan uses to get rebels to follow him willingly and deliberately after rejecting God. The next action after rejection of the master is to take up arms and attack the Lord Jesus Christ. The deception is so powerful it blinds the minds of billions living on earth during the millennial kingdom where they will have experienced Utopian rule of the Lord Jesus Christ (Theocracy). The urge to exercise their human rights, self determination, independence and all that goes with innate freedom of choice, which is freely granted by God, makes them decide they do not need God’s government but some other method of leadership. Satan then takes over and deception continues.

Without thinking twice, the masses of people gathered for battle. The Lord Jesus who has ruled them from Jerusalem for 1000 years has suddenly become an enemy as a result of deception. These billions of people born during the millennium have become nations and they are all over the earth. They are prosperous – lacking nothing. The suffering and even death are unknown during this time. Peace prevails everywhere because the Prince of peace is on the throne.  Satan is nowhere on earth. He is locked up in prison but God in his wisdom will release him for a short time to test those born during his (Satan) imprisonment. God would not like to force anybody to go to heaven if it is not their wish.

In the exercise of their freedom of choice, many “marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them”. Rev 20:9

That is the end of the billions who chose the wrong master and followed him. Death was their predicament. This freedom of choice is a very serious matter in human life yet many of us do not take it that way. Many are therefore lost in pursuit of the freedom of choice. They start well but finish very badly. Consider the case of King Solomon who began with a lot of wisdom but finished with the same amount of foolishness. That is how human beings are but there is hope in the blood of Jesus Christ which is able to wash all sins including murder.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! I choose today, to hold on to you, until the end.

Monday 19 May 2014


REFERENCE: Genesis 15:18, 17:8

On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, Euphrates”. Gen 15:18

“The whole land of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give you as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God”. Gen 17:8


Many wars have been fought and many lives lost in the world because of disputes emanating from land. The land as an asset is always appreciating in cost because it is the single source of livelihood. The three most basic human needs God has promised to provide; food, water and clothing (Matt.6:31) come from land. To sustain life, land must be available and it in plenty but a lot of sentimental value is attached to it hence the conflicts.

The current land held by the Jews is too small compared to what the Arabs around them are holding. The Jews recovered it through war and maintain it by war. Several wars have been fought and many lives lost in these 66 years the state of Israel has existed. The sustenance of the tiny Jewish state is a miracle considering the numerous enemies from every side. Hostility surrounds them from all the boarders except the Mediterranean Sea. Thank God the friendly sea has favored the country with plenty of gas and possibly oil.

The enemy of Israel is not only Islam, but also some Christian groups teaching that God has replaced the Jews with Christians. Others want to dominate Jerusalem in order to usher in the Anti-Christ and control the land. The devil knows the land was given to the Jews not for the usual   99 or 999 years but for eternity.

The land now available to the Jews is too small compared to what God gave them initially; but it is just for a short time. Please note that the land was given to Abraham and his descendants as an everlasting possession. See Genesis 17:8. The promise is for those who are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. Anybody outside the linage mentioned is excluded. That is why the Bible repeatedly refers to Jehovah God, as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The twelve tribes of Israel are the sons of Jacob whose other name is Israel. See Genesis 49: 1-28 and Revelation 7:5-8.

The proof that God has given the land under reference to the Jews; at the end of the age and the beginning of eternity; the New Jerusalem will bear the names of the twelve tribes of Israel on their gates. (See Revelation 21:12). The City (New Jerusalem) alone will occupy an area almost the size of Europe or Africa.

Let the reader note that the Jews will not take the allocated land now during the prevailing hostility in the world. The millennial kingdom of 1000 years which comes soon after Armageddon will end before the New Jerusalem is ushered in. The written word of God will have to come to pass whether we like it or not.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Let this information be understood by more and more people especially Christians for whom the scriptures were written.

Friday 16 May 2014


REFERENCE: Psalms 2:9, Revelation 2:27, 12:5

You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery. Ps.2:9

He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery. Rev.2:27

She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. Rev 12:5

 At the beginning of his presidency, Barack Obama remarked that he was not born in a manger but in a scepter (Refer to YOU TUBE: Obama deception). He used the word scepter which means an iron rod usually carried by Military Officers to indicate their position of authority. It can be likened to the sword of authority handed over to the incoming president during the inauguration ceremony. The above scriptures from both New and Old Testament refer to the same word scepter indicating authority and power.

Jesus Christ as the Lord of lords and King of kings will carry the scepter to demonstrate his authority and he will also use it to affirm his leadership which cannot be challenged. His system of government will be Theocracy not democracy. He will be a type of a king not an elected leader who has limited period of time to lead. He will be installed by God himself and his kingdom will last forever. Jesus will get his orders from heaven.

Theocracy, unlike democracy, means government by God for his people. God owns all the people on earth, the earth itself and everything on it. He does not need to consult anybody. He has absolute power and authority, and being God, he cannot be corrupt. In democracy we say, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely but this is not the case with Jesus Christ who is God himself.

The Lord Jesus Christ will establish his rule (Theocracy) during the millennium (1000 Years) on this present earth and it will begin immediately after the battle of Armageddon. In this battle of all battles, he will defeat all his enemies who will be in an attempt to over throw him and establish the kingdom of Anti-Christ.

Having defeated all his enemies and sent them to the lake of fire, the Jews who will have been protected somewhere, will be released. They will be the only people on earth at that time and they will take over everything and be lead by the Lord Jesus Christ from his command post in Jerusalem. He will be assisted by the Old Testament and raptured saints who will be posted all over the world. Their resurrected bodies will be like that of their master the Lord Jesus.

Theocracy will be the order of the day. Democracy, although it is the best way of governing and leading, in the world today, has problems. Philosophers have agreed that if people could get a good dictator, he would make the best leader but unfortunately, such a person does not exist anywhere.

In Theocracy, there are no elections because they are not necessary. The Lord will appoint his governors and other administrators and post them all over the world. He will make his decisions from Jerusalem and as he will have supernatural powers, communication will not at all be a problem. Problems as we know them today will be non-existent. It will be a time of unknown prosperity and peace. People will see remarkable differences between Theocracy and democracy. Death and diseases, wars and violence will be forgotten completely. Billions and billions of healthy men and women will go to and fro all over the world. The knowledge of God will be in plenty in the hearts of all.

Billions of people born during the millennium will not have had a chance to be tempted by Satan because he will have been locked up in a bottomless pit (See Rev 20:2-3). God is full of justice and therefore he will allow the people to choose either to continue to follow Jesus or Satan. He will allow Satan a short time to test them. The bible says many will choose to follow Satan and gather around Jerusalem. They will attempt to overthrow the Lord Jesus Christ but fire will come from heaven and devour them (See Rev 20:9).

Immediately after this, the great white thrown judgment will commence. All will be judged according to how they related to Jesus Christ. All those who rejected him will not be forced to enter heaven but to hell with Satan whom they chose. To those who embraced Jesus, they will join him in the New Jerusalem (heaven). Then, everlasting Theocracy will begin there and then in the kingdom of God.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Continue to teach us to EMBRACE our saviour Jesus Christ.


REFERENCE: Genesis 4:26

Seth also had a son, and named him Enosh.  At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord.

 Calling on the name of the Lord means praying. The scripture under reference today means that at a particular time in history of man on earth, prayer to the Almighty God began. It is evident that before that, no organized prayer was going on. Prayer has to be learnt. It is not an instinct. John the Baptist had to teach his disciples and so the same to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord’s Prayer is a verbatim quotation to Christ (See Matthew 6:9-13).

Adam and Eve were still living when prayer began and because of the many years they lived, it appears they were still having children. The world population was growing and so the common social problems were also increasing. In view of these changes, the people had realized they could not tackle the hardships without God. It was clear they needed another stronger and spiritual hand. They began to worship and consult God.

Involvement of God in all our activities except sin is a must if we are to be sustained. This universe is His and therefore He cannot be left out.

PRAYER:  Thank you God Almighty because you care about us and your will is that we get born again. Teach us to evangelize. 

Thursday 15 May 2014

The Revival Of The Hebrew Language

May 12, 2014 | Debbie Smith
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Many miracles have been associated with the rebirth of the nation of Israel. Perhaps one of the least appreciated of these miracles is the revival of the Hebrew language, the language of the Jews.

The Hebrew language was spoken by the Jewish people from the second millennium BC until the fall of Jerusalem and the subsequent deportation of the Israelites to Babylon, in 587 BC. For the next 1500 years, the Jews spoke Aramaic.
Hebrew continued to be used liturgically but was not used widely outside of religious and cultural institutions. It was its use during religious observances that allowed some of the language to survive it’s disuse during most of the Diaspora.

This is one reason for the Jewish expression, “The Torah has kept Israel more than Israel has kept the Torah.”

According to figures by the Central Bureau of Statistics in Israel, 9 million people worldwide speak Hebrew. Nearly a million and a half Israelis do not speak Hebrew as a first language, thus complicating their religious and civil lives, according to a report in
Israel Today.

The revival of the Hebrew language began in the late 1800’s with the Zionist movement, as Jew’s from over 80 countries began to emigrate from Europe to Palestine.

The leader of the movement to revive and reestablish Hebrew as the primary spoken language of the Jews was Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, a lexicographer and Zionist.

Ben Yehuda saw Hebrew as a necessary component of Zionism and a means to unite the various Jewish communities migrating to Palestine, who spoke an assortment of European languages and Yiddish, the vernacular language of most European Jews prior to the 2nd World War.

He began an advocacy movement in 1886 for Jewish parents, encouraging them to teach their children Hebrew and for schools and universities to teach classes in Hebrew.

On November 29, 1922, Hebrew was officially recognized, by the British mandate Authority of Palestine, as the official language of the Jewish people in Palestine.

Modern day Hebrew is made up of Biblical Hebrew, and 80% modern day Hebrew and 20% of new Hebrew words that have been created over the last 130 years. Ben Yehuda put together the first Hebrew dictionary for Modern Hebrew.

Throughout the ensuing years, historic 1948 when Israel became the Jewish State, and onward, through her rocky history, the Hebrew language has been seen as a uniting influence among the Jews returning to their ancestral homeland.
The account of how Hebrew was revived for modern usage is an evidence of how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in the present day.

Jeremiah, an ancient Jewish prophet wrote 2500 years ago that when the Jews returned to the land of their forefathers, detailed in Jeremiah 31:8-17, the Lord would give them back the language of their forefathers, and they would use that language to bless the Lord, ( Jeremiah 31:23).

Another Jewish prophet, Zephaniah, also predicted that the” pure language” of Hebrew would be revived in the last days, when the Jews once again lived in Israel. (Zephaniah 3:9).

The Bible also predicted that Israel’s enemies would surround and seek to destroy the re-born nation.

Of late, the enemies of Israel have sought to use the “pure language” of Hebrew against the Jewish Nation.

Islamist Hamas authorities are expanding Hebrew-language classes in the Gaza Strip's high schools to help Palestinians comprehend the enemy in times of conflict with Israel.

Hamas's promotion of Hebrew learning in the Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip seeks to make linguistic skills a useful weapon in the dispute against the Jewish state.

The ability to understand and speak Hebrew is seen as a strategic advantage in the ongoing struggle between Hamas and Israel.

Twenty years ago, many of Gaza's 1.5 million Palestinians could speak and understand Hebrew, today that figure is only about 50,000, who retain some knowledge of the language.

Conversely, the Hebrew language is seen as a means to unite Jews and to maintain the Jewish heritage in an ever increasing globalized society.

Last year, the World Zionist Organization, along with the Education Ministry and several other groups, announced “the establishment of a council dedicated to the promotion of the Hebrew language among Diaspora Jewry.”

The council was established in the wake of a Pew Research Study revealing increasing intermarriage and waning religious identity among Jews.

It is felt that the “pure language” can, as it did in the early days of the Zionist movement,
unite the Jewish population.

Ultimately, the Jewish people will be united under the rule of Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ, and the Anointed One of God. This was foretold 2500 years ago and revealed to the Hebrew prophets who recorded these promises for our day.

Wednesday 14 May 2014



    1.     Disobedience Dt. 1:45, 1 Sam 14:37, 28:6

22     Secret sin Ps. 66:18

33     Indifference  Prov 1:28

44     Neglect of mercy  Prov 21:13

55     Despising the law  Prov 28:9

66     Bloodguiltness  Isa    1:15

77    Iniquity  Isa 59:2

88    Stubbornness  Zech 7:13

99     Instability  James 1:6,7

110.   Self indulgence  James 4:3   


REFERENCE: James 4:3

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on pleasures.


This message of prayer was preached by our pastor last Sunday 11 May 2014 and the scripture under reference touched me in a powerful way. I realized I have been praying with a wrong motive so that what I get, I spend it on my pleasures.

The words, “that you may spend what you get on your pleasures”, hit me so hard, I felt foolish, bitter and ashamed. It took me some time to recover from what was almost a shock. I considered the powerful words and I agreed I was wrong in my motives and therefore I needed to change immediately. I planned to confess the wrong motive and discard the evil spirit involved. I then went ahead and confessed and then requested God to bless the teaching ministry that I am involved in.

It is more than twenty years since I discovered that my spiritual gifts are knowledge and teaching. I know beyond any shadow of doubt that God has appointed me to acquire knowledge and then to package it and present the same to the audience.

In view of what I have learnt, I do not mind whether God blesses me materially or not. My first and most important duty is to study and then teach. God through His grace has granted me the opportunity to use the internet which is free. I have become a watchman for God and through blogging; I am reaching about 250 people per month mainly in Kenya and the US. I will reach more when my blogs become more popular and I get connected to more people in my church.


 I confess the sin of wrong motive. I have decided I do not need big cars and big houses. All I need first and foremost are signs and wonders in ministering, in order to be different from all other preachers. My main aim is to build strong faith in God’s people and that way win more for Jesus.

Monday 12 May 2014

How to Spot a Legalist

March 16, 2013|2:53 pm
Legalists are tricky creatures. They slither in the side doors of churches, sign up to lead Bible studies and fill the minds of once joyous believers with rules and requirements of what it "really means" to become a Christian. Ask them how a person is saved and they'll say, "By grace of course" and then they'll roll out a scroll across the floor full of checklists to prove your salvation and prerequisites you must abide by in order to receive this "free gift" of grace.
The Apostle Paul had strong words for the legalists of his time. These legalistic Judaizers wanted the Gentiles to accept God's grace through faith but be required to get circumcised and to keep the law of Moses as well. Paul bluntly wrote about them in Galatians 5:12, "As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!"
Today nobody (as far as I know) is seeking to add circumcision to the free gift of God's grace as a requirement for salvation. No, currently, a far more subtle and sinister movement is creeping into the church. 21st Century Pharisees have replaced circumcision and keeping of the law with a more accepted evangelicalized list of do's and don'ts. These pious sounding party poopers are getting Christians to doubt their salvation, get discouraged in their salvation and trying to prove, keep and/or earn their salvation. They are robbing believers of the joy that was once theirs in Christ and replacing it with the heavy yoke of legalism (Acts 15:5-11.)
With this in mind here are 10 ways to spot a legalist in your church:
1) They cheapen grace by focusing on what we must do rather than on what Christ has done.
2) They'll say non-sensical things like, "Salvation is free but it will cost you everything you have."
3) They are "fruit inspectors" and hypothesize how much spiritual fruit a person must produce in order to truly be saved.
4) They focus on things like turning, trying and crying instead of faith alone in Christ alone for salvation.
5) Their "gospel" could never be falsely accused of being a license to sin (like Paul's was in Romans 3:8!)
6) They scare others with assertions that, if you preach too much grace, people will run amok.
7) They conveniently avoid or mis-exegete large portions of gospel-centric New Testament books like Galatians, Romans and John.
8) They blend justification passages with sanctification passages and then try to get us to drink a heresy smoothie.
9) They bake the same works-based righteousness cake that Mormons and Muslims do but cover it with evangelical frosting.
10) They use the phrase, "You mean to tell me…" a lot. Then they create worst case salvation scenarios of those who claim to be Christians but abuse the grace of God. "You mean to tell me that someone can be saved and still….?"
But grace that cannot be abused is no grace at all. Grace that is not free is no grace at all. Grace that is not received by simple faith is no grace at all.
I like the way Paul put it in Romans 11:6, "And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace." It's either by grace or by works. It can't be by both.
But here's the crazy thing about grace, once you receive it through faith it begins to transform you. Jesus changes your "wanter" and you become a new creation. Sure we can abuse it and, if we're honest, often do. But when we let grace do it's work it "teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age" (Titus 2:12.) God's grace is not a license to sin but a reason to serve Jesus with reckless abandon…not because we have to, but because we get to.
If we resist, he persists.
If we fail, he forgives.
If we lose our faith, he remains faithful (2 Timothy 2:13.)

That makes me want to serve Him all the more. Sorry legalists, but grace is a better fuel. As for you agitators, I wish you would go the whole way and…cut it out.

Friday 9 May 2014


REFERENCE: Luke 9:23-25(NIV)

Then he said to them all, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self.

The word anyone in verse 23 includes all born again Christians. Jesus was addressing his disciples and what he was asking is that all without exception must deny themselves. The word “must” means without option or choice but have to obey the order given. Jesus is the Lord and his order must be obeyed. It is always, “Yes, Sir! You are not supposed to say no if the order is from the Lord.

The word “deny” in the same verse, means saying no to the flesh (human desires). The flesh will say, ‘I want ……” The answer to this statement is, you won’t have it. Then the flesh will continue to say, “I think’”. The answer should be, “The bible says………..”.

“Take up his cross daily and follow me”. The cross to take is not the physical wooden or other materials carried by some religious people. It is also not the cross men get themselves nailed on during Easter to demonstrate how religious they are. These are legalistic acts meant to move God but originate from lack of knowledge and understanding. God in not, at all moved. Only some people are fooled.

According to the scriptures under reference, Jesus expects us to forget about our human rights and accept that we do not have to survive. We do not have to strive, quarrel, murmur, criticize, fight back or be selfish. Such mean actions are not part of our weapons. We are forbidden from using such deadly arsenal. Let the people against you go ahead and destroy you. I know how difficulty such a thing is, but our Lord gives us no alternative. He says he will defend us, himself. His godly advice is that we should not fear those who can only kill the body and nothing else.

An example is given of a striving and fighting couple. Any wife or husband, who is a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, does not have to survive. Let your opponent crucify you. Just follow the Lord through the gate, out of the city, up on the hill and let them crucify you.

This world is not our home. We are heading home and it does not matter even if we arrive with scars. The Lord Jesus Christ arrived there with scars and he is still carrying them today. He was given the name that is above all names on arrival. TAKE HEART!!

PRAYER: Jesus Christ! We want to follow your example. We are coming home soon.