Tuesday 30 September 2014


REF: John 8:44 (NIV)

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


The world is full of lying and deception whichever direction you look. Satan the spiritual and master deceiver is the source of all the lying and deceiving. His native language is lying and he is the father of lies.

Satan controls a well organized army of spiritual beings called demons and they operate secretly using living people as well as animals. Due to their spiritual nature, you can hardly detect them unless you realize that the spiritual world is as real as the physical one. Their activities are visible everywhere.

When Satan rebelled in heaven, (Note that God allowed the rebellion because he always demands that people make choices. He is not a dictator. He does not force anybody to love or follow him.) he was followed by one third of all the angels in heaven. According to Revelation 5: 11, the number of angels in heaven was 100 billion. One third of 100 billion is about 33 billion. Out of this number of rebels, one third was imprisoned (See Jude 1:6). Therefore, there are about 22 billion evil spiritual beings behind their master Satan.

An army of 22 billion is more than three times the current total number of people on earth today. Satan can therefore, assign three demons to each living person on earth today and keep a balance for other duties. The fact that the world population is growing rapidly despite all the evil interventions by the faceless people running the world today, is scaring the devil and his army. They have to work overtime especially in the areas of human beings elimination. Imagine how many babies and adults are killed every day through abortion, wars, famine, manmade diseases and other imposed calamities.

In everything he does, Satan uses deception hence the creation of the powerful propaganda machine operating in the entire world today. Look at the media that suppresses truth everywhere. Please note that man has not yet landed on the moon as we have been made to believe. It is an open secret that the 1969 trip to the moon was faked for political reasons and the world was shown photographs of the guys acting in a desert. Radiation all around the moon cannot be penetrated by living things and they survive, unless they are protected with heavy metal which will make the missile impossible to fly. Until new technology is discovered, the landing on the moon will remain elusive.

The media in cohorts with others, has deceived us for the last 45 years. The man said to have landed on the moon and planted the American flag, died a few years ago yet he had never given a jam-packed interview about the trip to the moon.  It was supposed to be a historic event of no comparison. Please check YouTube for details.

Another major lie to the world regards a current world leader married to a fellow man who poses as a woman. He dresses like a woman and likely has undergone hormonal changes to make him look like a woman. The agenda here is likely to make gay lifestyle popular and therefore demean the family institution aiming at population control. What an agenda?

Deception and lying have perhaps gotten to a climax. Is the Lord Jesus Christ returning soon? Although the day and the hour of his coming is not known, the bible says that we should not be caught unaware.  There will be signs of his coming and those whose ears are open can see what is happening. Please read Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21:5-36.


God Almighty! Open our ears wide.

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