Thursday 2 October 2014


REF: 1Peter 5:8 (NIV)
Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

There is a saying in Kenya that if you see a lion that is wet as a result of having spent time in the rain, don’t think he is a cat. He is very much a lion and can act as a lion any moment. A lion is described as the king of the jungle because of his strength and fierceness. 

Likewise, Satan is described as a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. That is how strong and fierce the devil is. He kills easily unless God intervenes and stops him. We are therefore instructed to be self-controlled and not only that, but also alert.

Self-control is a very important character in life because it keeps us safe from conflicts. Instead of fighting for ourselves, we submit to the protection of God Almighty who has warned us not to take revenge. The bible says God will avenge for us. He counsels us to trust Him to act accordingly. 

The world is full of violence everywhere. The major demon of “murder and violence” is active in all corners of the world. The terrorists are breathing fire in both winter and summer and they are receiving support from individuals, organizations and governments. They are motivated by spiritual powers and are ready to go to any length in order to achieve their goals.

Holy Spirit! Instill self-control and alertness in our lives so that we can resist the evil one.

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