Friday 26 September 2014


REF: Zechariah 3:1

Then he showed Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at the right side to accuse him.

COMMENT: In the Old Testament, the angle of the Lord is actually Jesus Christ himself and the Lord Almighty is God the father.

In this scene described here in Zachariah 3, we see Jesus standing next to Zachariah and Satan is standing on the right hand of Joshua ready to accuse him. Satan in most cases stands near in order to get a chance to do his dirty work. He is the AOB. Not “any other business” although he has many other businesses to engage in, regarding the affairs of righteous men.  AOB stands for his job description. He is the accuser of the brethren and he loves his dirty job.

God is not a dictator. He has allowed the opposition side to exist and it is headed by Satan. Satan is not at all equal to God.  He was a good angel created by God and the bible says he was corrupted by pride. He rebelled in heaven and was followed by one third of all angels in heaven. He intends to overthrow God. The Almighty God has permitted him to exist in order to give human beings a chance to choose the way they would like to go. God hates to dictate to human beings to love him. By their freewill, He wants them to love and follow him.

God, through Jesus Christ, has promised heaven to all those who have freely chosen him as King. To those who have chosen Satan, God has permitted them to follow him despite the fact that their destination is hell which is the lake of fire and eternal suffering.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Please remind us that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Reveal to us evil schemes of the Accuser Of Brethren (AOB).

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