Thursday 11 September 2014

Word For Today

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

The Fight Is Fixed!
Have you ever watched a recorded soccer match and you know the final score? There you are excited about the game and then the opposing team scores. Their fans are ecstatic as they celebrate because they are leading but as for you, you are thinking “you guys have no idea what is awaiting you in the next half.” The game moves on and just before the half time, the opposing team scores another goal and the noise in the stadium is deafening. The fans are jubilant and you would think they have already won the game. On the other hand when you look at the fans of the team you are supporting, they seem like they have given up and they have nothing to be happy about. As for you, you are not moved and you have a big smile on your face as you enjoy your cup of tea all relaxed because you know how the match will eventually end. 

I always imagine what must be going on through the mind of God as He looks down on earth and sees us all anxious and discouraged. I guess many are the times he smiles and says “child, the game is fixed, if you stick with me, there is no way you can lose.” How many times have you and I found ourselves in situations where we lament and say God why have you forsaken me? We start wondering if God cares for us and even those around us, just like the fans in the arena have nothing to shout about and no words of encouragement.As long as the fight is not over, you and I have nothing to worry about keep pressing on. The devil may be rejoicing because it seems like he has the upper hand at the moment and the noise from his shouts and jubilation may be getting you down.You look at yourself and your health is going from bad to worse. You are chocking in debts and you can see no way out while those you owe are breathing down your neck. Your marriage seems like it is hitting rock bottom and you are almost giving up.

Drugs alcohol and immorality are tearing your family apart and you are asking God why? Because you have been serving Him the best way you know how to. Probably you had the last supper last night meaning you have no idea where the next meal is going to come from or for you it is not even the money because you have more than you need but you lack the peace of God and His joy.It is very easy to get discouraged when it seems like you are losing the fight and the cheers from the opposing team don’t make it any easier. For your information, God in heaven is not having any sleepless nights because of your situation. In Revelation 22:13 He says "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." God is not worried because the fight is fixed. If you stick with Him, there is no way you are going to lose. With that kind of knowledge it is much easier to bear every blow that the enemy throws your way because you know that it is only a matter of time before the tables turn to your favour. Be encouraged and keep on standing. Maintain your focus on God and keep on standing. The fight is fixed there is no way you can lose!

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