Sunday 21 September 2014


REF: Job 2:7 (NIV)

So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.


 Job was tested to the extreme. His body was afflicted with painful sores all over and he suffered day and night without a relieve. God permitted Satan to attack Job’s body but not his soul and spirit. He was not allowed to kill him. God knew he would give him the ability to withstand the affliction as long as he maintained his faith in God. We are assured that we cannot be tested beyond what can bare. Faith in the living God is all we are required to maintain in order to win all our battles.

Job was free to exercise his freedom to choose who to obey. He was fully aware of his suffering and that he could terminate the pain by dropping his faith in God and then physical death would follow. Death would end all pain in his living body. His wife had suggested that he curses God and die but he categorically rejected the idea. His wife thought cursing God was the only solution to her husband’s problem but Job in exceptional wisdom, chose to retain his integrity. He said it was foolish to only accept what is good. He knew without any doubt that what was happening to him was allowed by God and for a good reason.

Job’s friends who came to see him when he was in pain, although kept him company, did not offer him much help. All they kept saying was that Job had sinned and all he needed was repentance. Job knew very well he was clean and therefore repentance was not the solution for his problem. Anyway, he complained because he could not understand the reason for the suffering.

In His supremacy, God spoke to Job by asking him questions. He asked him about 72 questions that proved too hard for him to answer. The first question recorded in chapter 38 verse 2 was; ‘Who is that darkens my counsel with words without  knowledge ?”

God demonstrated to Job that he is all in all, and He created everything – what we can see and what we cannot see. In view of all that, everything is owned by God.

In chapter 42 and verse 2, Job had a chance to answer to God and this is what he said; “I know that You can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted”.


 Thank you God Almighty because you control everything including our enemy the devil. He cannot do anything without your permission.

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