Saturday 27 September 2014


REF: Luke 9:42 (NIV)

And even while the boy was coming, the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion. But Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, healed the boy and gave him back to his father.

COMMENT: Jesus in his teaching ministry had an opportunity to demonstrate to the public that demons are real although we have no ability to see them with our ordinary eyes. The boy had a long history of suffering in the hands of demons that lived in his body and it appeared they planned to kill him one day.

Satan had ruined both the soul and the body of the boy. He had the privilege of inhibiting the soul and body of the boy with permission from God. God is all knowing and He is present everywhere all the time. For this reason, therefore, He could see everything that was taking place and had a good reason to allow it to happen.

If this story of the boy under the influence of demons did not exist, a chance to learn and understand the activities of Satan would not be as clear as it is. God’s purpose is to teach us something about the supernatural. Likewise, if the story of Job was non-existent, we would really be short of a very important teaching of the activities of Satan. The privileges of Satan despite the fact that he is a fallen and defeated angel would not be known or properly understood.

We are created in the image of God and therefore we are more than the physical beings we see every day. We are both spirit and body and when the two separate for whatever reason, physical death is experienced.

Despite my ability to understand and write about Theology, I suffer physically in the areas of arthritis, allergies, diabetes, foot burning and high blood pressure. I am on medication daily. Sometimes I think I have only a few years to live but this does not scare me because I know God has a good reason for my suffering. I am sure this world is not my home. I am going home soon.

PRAYER: Thanks to God because He has not abandoned me. I am coming home soon.

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