Thursday 11 September 2014


REF: Genesis 3:4-5 (NIV)
“You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil,”

COMMENT: God created man not only in His image but also an independent moral creature able to decide which way to go. Able to decide to follow God his maker or Satan the enemy. In view of this, therefore, an opportunity was provided to make an informed choice. Unfortunately, Adam chose the devil who himself had fallen after a similar opportunity had been offered to him. Satan while in heaven had tried to overthrow God. The bible says pride made him think he was better than God. He caused a rebellion in heaven and even got one third of all angels to follow him.

God decided to punish him in hell for eternity but allowed him to mingle with people and in the process test them. He started by testing Adam in regard to acquiring knowledge but Adam could not resist the temptation. He ended up following the devil but was rescued by Jesus Christ who died on the cross for all but the benefit is available to all who will choose to follow Jesus. It is an issue of choice of the saviour. Sorry no heaven for those who will not choose Jesus Christ.

The temptation to Adam was a good thing because man was  given a chance to make a choice. God does not force people to follow him if they are not willing. He requires obedience and there is no way of demonstrating obedience except temptation or testing. The freedom to choose is the foundation of human rights. The basic human need of freedom demands that we do what pleases and makes sense to us. Choice is therefore most essential in life.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Make it possible for us to choose to follow Jesus Christ in order to gain salvation.

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